Monday, January 30, 2017

Happy Catholic School's Week!

Today began an exciting week here for us at Holy Name; it is Catholic School's Week. A week we we celebrate the great school that we are. We are a school of faith, knowledge, and service. The students are excited about the different events we have planned this week. 

Despite the excitement, we had learning to do today. In Religion class we talked about what it means to worship. We learned that when we worship God we praise him and thank him. We also talked about the people we see when we worship God with our parish. 

A new week brings on a new week of learning in Language Arts. Today we learned our oral vocabulary words. We also learned how to blend and read long a words spelled with ai or ay. Next we learned our sight words. Then it was time for something new. Today we learned two vocabulary words; these words will be part of our stories this week. After that it was time to read; we read a folktale titled A Tale of A Tail about how beaver got its tail. We switched gears and talked about the verbs was and were before illustrating the events in our narrative paragraph. This afternoon we worked in our literacy centers and did a fun Groundhog Day writing project. 

The doubles plus 1 facts are still our focus in Math class. Today we completed our own set of fact cards for these facts. Tomorrow we will be playing a game with these facts. 

Tomorrow is our parent luncheon day. We will be going to lunch at 10:50. It is also Character Book Day. 

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Winter Writing and Crafts!

Greetings! I hope everyone is enjoying the snow. I think the students were hoping for a snow day today, but I am glad we had school. We had so much fun doing some winter projects today. 

In Religion class today we talked about how we belong to a parish. We also talked about all of the things we do with our parish family. 

In Language Arts class we wrapped up our week of learning. We practiced using our oral vocabulary words in sentences and practiced reading oo words and words with inflected endings. We wrote sentences using our sight words and took our weekly test. Finally we practiced writing contractions with the word not. 

To take a break from reviewing, we wrote three ways we can stay warm on a cold day. The students came up with great examples including drinking hot chocolate, snuggling with warm, putting on warm clothes, and sitting by a fire place. We added our writing to a hot chocolate craft. Have a look at our work: 

In Math class today we practiced finding the area of shapes using pattern blocks. We said that the area of the yellow pattern block is 2 red blocks, 3 blue blocks, and 6 green blocks. 

In Science class today we began our health unit. Today we looked at the different food groups. We gave examples of food in each group and then sorted pictures based on which food group they belonged. 

We ended our week with Art class. Today we made penguins. Thanks you to everyone who sent in plastic bottles. The penguins are adorable. Have a look: 

Next week is Catholic School's Week. It begins with Mass on Sunday at 10 AM. That is followed by our Applebee's fundraiser. On Monday we have Spirit day. Students are to wear a Holy Name shirt over their uniform. 

Enjoy your weekend! 

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Exercising in the Classroom!

Greetings! Happy Thursday! It was a great day in first grade. We worked hard, learned lots, and smiled. 

In Religion class this morning, we completed our retreat on the sacrament of Baptism. We made a good deeds necklace. Each color bead on the necklace is a reminder of a symbol of Baptism. The necklace is to help us remember to do good deeds every day. 

In Language Arts class, we practiced using our oral vocabulary words in sentences. We also used letter tiles to spell oo words; we then practiced spelling and reading words with inflected endings where the final letter is doubled. Then we read a story in our decodable reader booklets, partner read From Cows to You, and read a nonfiction piece about the food groups. 

In Math class today we again worked with the doubles plus 1 facts. We learned how to identify these facts and the strategy to solve them. To solve these facts, first double the smaller number and then add 1. We will continue to work with these facts next week. 

For Gym class today, we again exercised to videos from GoNoodle. The students have really enjoyed these videos the past several weeks. 

We ended our day with Social Studies class. Today we learned the name of the continent, country, and state where we live. We made a flip book to help us remember them. 

Enjoy your night! 

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Back to Normal!

Today was back to normal in first grade. And it was back to being busy. Working hard sure makes the day fly by. 

We switched gears in Religion class today. We started a mini retreat on the sacrament of Baptism. Today we talked about how water is an important symbol and about different ways we can serve God. We will conclude our retreat tomorrow. 

Language Arts class was full of learning today. We reviewed our oral vocabulary words, oo words, and our sight words. We practiced reading and spelling words with inflected endings where the final letter is doubled. Then we worked on our fluency and comprehension skills. We partner read a story in our decodable reader booklets and read our story From Cow to You. We enjoyed hearing about how milk goes from cows to stores. This afternoon we wrote a narrative paragraph and practiced writing the contractions for not. 

Math class brought on new learning too. Today we began our learning of the doubles plus one facts. We used linking cubes to help us solve the answers to these problems. Tomorrow we will be learning the strategy of how to solve these problems. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym class. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

A Half Day

Greetings! So much for that full week. However, we did manage to do a lot of learning despite the two hour delay, Guidance class, and Music class. The students' love of learning really shone through today. They are eager to learn new things! 

In Language Arts we learned three new oral vocabulary words. We then worked on the strategy of rereading as we read the interactive reading cards. We followed that up by reviewing oo words; we used our letter tiles to help us. We then blended, read, and spelled words with inflected endings where the final letter is doubled before the ending is added. Next our focus switched to reading. We reread A Look at Breakfast and sequenced the process of how flour becomes bread. We finished by reading our decodable reader and answering questions about it. 

We again reviewed adding two two-digit numbers in Math class today using dimes and pennies. The students are really good at this by now. They were able to solve problems all by themselves. 

Hopefully tomorrow will be back to normal! 

Monday, January 23, 2017

A Full Week?

Greetings on this wet Monday evening. I hope everyone made it home safely tonight. 

In Religion class today we wrapped up our chapter on the leaders of the church. We recalled how they are and how they lead us. We also recalled ways we can serve others. 

We began a new week of learning in Language Arts. We learned two new oral vocabulary words as well as how to blend and read oo words. We worked on the strategy of rereading as we listened to Where Does Food Come From? After learning new sight words, we put our skills to work as we read A Look At Breakfast. We ended our morning by working in our literacy centers. This after we drew pictures for the beginning, middle, and end of our narrative paragraph. We then learned the contractions for not. We finished the day by writing about what we like to do on a snowy day. I'll post pictures of that writing tomorrow. 

In Math class today we again used dimes and pennies to add two two-digit numbers. The students are really getting the hang of this concept. 

Stay warm and dry tonight! 

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Day 3 of 3

Greetings! Today marked the end of our short week. It was a busy day to end the week. 

In Religion class today we talked about service. We learned that serving others means helping and caring for them. We talked about ways the church serves others and ways we can serve others. 

We wrapped up our week in Language Arts. We practiced using our oral vocabulary words in sentences, read long o, u, and e words, read CVCe syllable words and used them in sentences. We then wrote sentences using our sight words before taking our reading assessment. We followed that up by reviewing when to use is and are in sentences. To finish the morning we worked in our literacy centers. 

In Math class today, we reviewed how to count by 5's to 50. We then learned how to make tally marks. We will be practicing tally marks daily during our Math Meeting and on our homework page. 

For Gym class today, we again used exercise videos to dance to in the classroom. The students are really enjoying them. 

In Social Studies class today, we talked about the difference between city, town, and suburb. We learned that a city has lots of people and buildings. We also talked about how a town is smaller than a city and how a suburb is a town right outside the city. 

To end our week, we had a special Arts class. We made Eskimos. Have a look: 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

A Virtual Trip!

Greetings! It is hard to believe that it is already midweek and that the week is over tomorrow. This has been a fast three day week. 

In Religion class today we talked about how the pope is the leader of the whole church. We learned that Pope Francis lives in the Vatican and took a virtual field trip to the Vatican. 

In Language Arts class, we answered questions using our oral vocabulary words, read CVCe syllable words and used them in sentences, used our letter tiles to spell long o, u, and e words, and read our word wall. We then talked about captions before reading about how transportation has evolved over the years. We ended by learning how to write dates correctly. 

In Math class today we used dimes and pennies to add two two-digit numbers. By the time we were finished, the students had a great grasp on this concept. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is gym day. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Long Ago and Now

Greetings and Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone enjoyed their three day weekend and survived the Steelers game. I wish they would not make it so interesting every week. Between the Steelers and the Pirates, my life span gets a little shorter. 

Anyways, we had a good start to our three day week. We began our day by attending Eucharistic Adoration. We spent quiet time with Jesus asking him to help us and to help those who need our prayers. 

We spent the first part of Language Arts class reviewing. We reviewed our oral vocabulary words, long o, u, and e words, CVCe syllables, and our sight words. We also worked on the strategy of rereading. Then we read our story Long Ago and Now and compared/contrasted life long ago and life today. We all agreed that things are easier today then it was a century ago. 

In Math class today we learned how to draw line segments using a ruler. We need to put our ruler between the two endpoints and trace along the top of it to make our line segment. We will continue practicing drawing line segments for the next several weeks before learning how to draw line segments to the nearest inch. 

The snowflakes from Friday's Art class look amazing! I can't wait for you to see them on Friday! 

Enjoy your night!

Saturday, January 14, 2017


Greetings! Today was another great day of learning in first grade. 

In Religion class we talked about how bishops lead and care for the church. We learned the name of our bishop (Bishop Mark) and the name of our diocese (Altoona-Johnstown). We also attended a prayer service led by second grade. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words we learned yesterday and learned three new words today. We worked on the strategy of rereading as we listened to a story about pioneers. Then we reviewed long o, u, and e words by using our letter tiles to spell words. Next we practiced blending and reading CVCe syllable words. After that we reread Life at Home and completed a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting homes long ago and homes today. In addition to all that we read a decodable reader and answered questions from the story. Last we practiced using is and are in sentences. 

During Math class today we solved a problem by drawing a picture. And in Science class we reviewed properties of matter by completing a graphic organizer. 

We ended our week with Art class. Today we painted a snowflake. Prior to class, I designed snowflakes on construction paper using painter's tape. The students painted around the tape. Next week, I will peel the tape off leaving behind a white snowflake. I'll post pictures of the finished project on Tuesday. 

Just a reminder that there is no school on Monday. Enjoy the long weekend!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Awesome Day of Learning!

Greetings! Today was an awesome day of learning in first grade. 

In Religion class we learned that Jesus picked Peter to be the leader of the Apostles. 

We began a new week in Language Arts. We learned two new oral vocabulary words. We also learned how to blend and read long o, long u, and long e words. We used the Smartboard to help us pick out words with those long vowel sounds. We then learned new sight words. We put those new skills to work as we read Life at Home. Next we learned about about the verbs is and are. We ended class by writing about what we would do with a snowman. 

In Math class we practiced our subtracting 2 facts by using a wrap up. And in Social Studies we talked about Martin Luther King, Jr. We drew ways that we could bring peace to our world. 

For Gym class today we danced to videos found on These exercise videos are a lot of fun to follow and brought smiles to everyone. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Back to Normal!

Greetings (again)! Today was a normal day for us in for us in first grade. It was busy; the students looked tired at the end of the day. 

In Religion class today we wrapped up our chapter on the beginning of the church. We recalled that the Church began on Pentecost and grew and continues to grow with the help of the Holy Spirit. To end class, we wrote a prayer to the Holy Spirit asking the Holy Spirit for help to do something. 

We also wrapped up our week in Language Arts. We practiced using our oral vocabulary words in sentences, wrote sentences using our sight words, spelled words with inflected endings, and used letter tiles to spell soft c, soft g, and -dge words. We partner read The Gingerbread Man and read some Mother Goose rhymes and identified the rhyming words in them. 

In Math class today we learned new Math facts. We used linking cubes to help us solve the subtracting 2 facts. We learned that subtracting 2 is just like counting backwards when we say the even or odd numbers. 

Have a wonderful night! 

A Short Day!

Greetings! Sorry this post is coming the next day. I had no power at my house yesterday. It is quite interesting to have no power. Thankfully, it was restored last night! 

The students were really excited to be leaving early yesterday. However, the early dismissal did not stop our learning. 

In Religion class we talked about how the Holy Spirit helps us and the Church today. We said that the Holy Spirit helps us to pray, share with others, and play fairly. 

In Language Arts we reviewed our oral vocabulary words and practiced spelling words with inflected endings when the final e is dropped. We then used those words in sentences. Next, we worked on our fluency by reading a story in our decodable reader. We also practiced our sight words and identifying past and future tense verbs. 

In Math class we learned how to identify fractional parts of a whole. We also divided a square in half two different ways. 

Here's to hoping today is calmer! 

Monday, January 9, 2017

It's A Cold One!

Greetings! I thought I start today with a picture of our snowman we made on Friday. I think they are adorable. They also fit right in with the weather we are having. 

In Religion class this morning we talked about how the Holy Spirit helped the early church to grow. 

During Language Arts class we reviewed our oral vocabulary words, soft c, soft g, -dge words, inflected endings, and our sight words. We practiced reading the words and read a story in our decodable reader. We then read our story The Gingerbread Man and answered questions about the story in our close reading companion. 

In Math class today we used dimes and pennies to add two two-digit numbers. This was an introduction lesson to the concept. Next week we will be more solving problems like these. 

Stay warm! 

Sunday, January 8, 2017


Greetings! I hope everyone is enjoying your weekend. Sorry this post about Friday is late; things got busy for me this weekend! 

We began our day on Friday by attending Mass. Today we celebrated the Most Holy Name of Jesus. Msgr. reminded us to use Jesus' name with respect and to call him by name when we need him. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed soft c and soft g by using our letter tiles to spell words. We then practiced using our sight words in sentences. Next we read our decodable reader and practiced identifying examples of cause and effect in the story. After lunch, we sorted sentences based on whether the verb was in the past tense or future tense; we used the Smartboard to help us. Finally, we wrote the final step in making a snowman. 

In Math class today we practiced identifying ordinal position to the 26th. We used the alphabet for this. We gave each letter a number that corresponds to their position in the alphabet. We then used this code to figure out mystery words. The students loved doing this. 

During Science class we talked about the various states of water. We said that when water freezes it becomes a solid. When the ice melts, it is a liquid. And eventually water will evaporate into the air and become a gas. 

Then it was time for Art class. Today we made snowman using paint and construction paper. I'll post pictures on Monday once everything has dried. 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Stay warm! 

Thursday, January 5, 2017

From Sun to Snow!

Happy Thursday! It was really the tale of two days. It started off bright and sunny but by the time we left it was cloudy and snowy. I am sure the students are loving the snow tonight! 

In Religion class today we talked about things the early church members did. We learned that they prayed together, ate together, and shared their things. It did not take us long to realize that they did the same things we do today. 

In Language Arts class, we learned new oral vocabulary words and made predictions as we read a folktale about a foolish rabbit. We then reviewed -dge words by reading a decodable reader. Then it was time to learn how to spell and read words with inflected endings where the final e is dropped before the ending is added. Next we talked about cause and effect and found examples in the story The Nice Mitten

In Math class today we used pattern blocks to cover a design. We then made a bar graph showing how many of each pattern block we used. It is neat watching the students cover the design. They all covered it in a different way. 

In Social Studies class today we talked about the seasons and weather. For each season we described the weather and talked about things we do in each one. 

Finally, it was time for Gym. Gym will be different until the new gym floor is installed. So today, we danced to classics like YMCA, Chicken Dance, and Hokey Pokey. We were smiling, laughing, and exercising right in our classroom! 

Enjoy the night! 

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Reading Folktales

Greetings! I hope everyone had a wonderful day. We sure did in first grade. 

In Religion class today we talked about how the Church began on Pentecost. We learned that the disciples were so excited when they received the Holy Spirit that they went out and told everyone the good news. 

In Language Arts class today we reviewed reading words with soft c and soft g. Today we sorted pictures based on the g sound. We also learned how to blend and read words with -dge. In addition to that we learned new sight words and practiced reading them in sentences. Finally, we put our phonics skills to the test as we read The Nice Mitten. This afternoon we practiced using past and future tense verbs in sentences and wrote the second step in making a snowman. 

In Math class today, we learned how to identify pairs. Each student was given a cup of pennies and had to put the pennies into pairs. We then counted by 2's to see how many pennies we had. 

Due to the gym floor restoration, we will not have gym class tomorrow. However, we will do some simple exercises in the classroom. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Welcome 2017!

Happy New Year! 2017 is off to a great start in first grade. I really enjoyed hearing about all of the exciting things that happened over break. From what I heard, Santa was quite good to everyone! 

We began our day by going to Adoration. That was the perfect way to start the new year. We spent some quiet time praying to God and asking him to bless us this new year. 

We began a new week in Language Arts. Today we learned two new oral vocabulary words and practiced making predictions as we read Interrupting Chicken. We then spent time learning to blend and read words with soft c and soft g. We sorted words by whether they had a soft c or hard c sound and practiced reading these words in a decodable reader. We finished our morning by working in literacy centers. This afternoon we talked about past and future tense verbs and wrote the first step in building a snowman. 

Math class was a bit like Spelling class today. We learned how to spell the number words for the digits 0-10. To help us learn to spell these words, we played a game similar to Hangman. The students worked with a partner and took turns writing a word and drawing lines for each letter in the word. The other student then tried to guess the word. They loved it! 

Have a great night!