Monday, January 30, 2017

Happy Catholic School's Week!

Today began an exciting week here for us at Holy Name; it is Catholic School's Week. A week we we celebrate the great school that we are. We are a school of faith, knowledge, and service. The students are excited about the different events we have planned this week. 

Despite the excitement, we had learning to do today. In Religion class we talked about what it means to worship. We learned that when we worship God we praise him and thank him. We also talked about the people we see when we worship God with our parish. 

A new week brings on a new week of learning in Language Arts. Today we learned our oral vocabulary words. We also learned how to blend and read long a words spelled with ai or ay. Next we learned our sight words. Then it was time for something new. Today we learned two vocabulary words; these words will be part of our stories this week. After that it was time to read; we read a folktale titled A Tale of A Tail about how beaver got its tail. We switched gears and talked about the verbs was and were before illustrating the events in our narrative paragraph. This afternoon we worked in our literacy centers and did a fun Groundhog Day writing project. 

The doubles plus 1 facts are still our focus in Math class. Today we completed our own set of fact cards for these facts. Tomorrow we will be playing a game with these facts. 

Tomorrow is our parent luncheon day. We will be going to lunch at 10:50. It is also Character Book Day. 

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