Wednesday, January 11, 2017

A Short Day!

Greetings! Sorry this post is coming the next day. I had no power at my house yesterday. It is quite interesting to have no power. Thankfully, it was restored last night! 

The students were really excited to be leaving early yesterday. However, the early dismissal did not stop our learning. 

In Religion class we talked about how the Holy Spirit helps us and the Church today. We said that the Holy Spirit helps us to pray, share with others, and play fairly. 

In Language Arts we reviewed our oral vocabulary words and practiced spelling words with inflected endings when the final e is dropped. We then used those words in sentences. Next, we worked on our fluency by reading a story in our decodable reader. We also practiced our sight words and identifying past and future tense verbs. 

In Math class we learned how to identify fractional parts of a whole. We also divided a square in half two different ways. 

Here's to hoping today is calmer! 

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