Tuesday, January 24, 2017

A Half Day

Greetings! So much for that full week. However, we did manage to do a lot of learning despite the two hour delay, Guidance class, and Music class. The students' love of learning really shone through today. They are eager to learn new things! 

In Language Arts we learned three new oral vocabulary words. We then worked on the strategy of rereading as we read the interactive reading cards. We followed that up by reviewing oo words; we used our letter tiles to help us. We then blended, read, and spelled words with inflected endings where the final letter is doubled before the ending is added. Next our focus switched to reading. We reread A Look at Breakfast and sequenced the process of how flour becomes bread. We finished by reading our decodable reader and answering questions about it. 

We again reviewed adding two two-digit numbers in Math class today using dimes and pennies. The students are really good at this by now. They were able to solve problems all by themselves. 

Hopefully tomorrow will be back to normal! 

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