Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Long Ago and Now

Greetings and Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone enjoyed their three day weekend and survived the Steelers game. I wish they would not make it so interesting every week. Between the Steelers and the Pirates, my life span gets a little shorter. 

Anyways, we had a good start to our three day week. We began our day by attending Eucharistic Adoration. We spent quiet time with Jesus asking him to help us and to help those who need our prayers. 

We spent the first part of Language Arts class reviewing. We reviewed our oral vocabulary words, long o, u, and e words, CVCe syllables, and our sight words. We also worked on the strategy of rereading. Then we read our story Long Ago and Now and compared/contrasted life long ago and life today. We all agreed that things are easier today then it was a century ago. 

In Math class today we learned how to draw line segments using a ruler. We need to put our ruler between the two endpoints and trace along the top of it to make our line segment. We will continue practicing drawing line segments for the next several weeks before learning how to draw line segments to the nearest inch. 

The snowflakes from Friday's Art class look amazing! I can't wait for you to see them on Friday! 

Enjoy your night!

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