Monday, September 18, 2017

Scarecrow Fun!

Greetings! Happy Monday! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. It was such a beautiful weekend to get out, attend an art festival or watch the Steelers. 

We began out day with Religion class. Today we learned that when we pray we talk to and listen to God. We also learned that the Sign of the Cross is a prayer to the Blessed Trinity. We then practiced making the Sign of the Cross. 

With today being Monday we kicked off a new week of learning. We began by learning new oral vocabulary words. We then worked on visualizing as we read Cool Dog, School Dog. Next we learned how to blend and read words with l-blends like black, clap, flip, glad, play, and slid. After that we learned our new sight words we will be practicing this week. Finally, we put all of our new knowledge to work as we read A Pig for Cliff

This afternoon in Language Arts we worked in our literacy centers practicing our skills. We ended the day by learning about statements. We discovered that a statement is a telling sentence. 

In Math class today, we practiced writing addition number sentences. We learned to write addition stories from pictures and then write the number sentence. We did really well with this today. 

Here is a picture of our scarecrows from Friday's art class: Enjoy!

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