Saturday, January 6, 2018

A Cold Start!

Greetings on this cold day. It seems like 2018 is off to a cold start. However, we did not let this cold keep us from learning. Thursday was quite a busy day in first grade. 

In Religion class we talked about how the first church members were like a big family and how they did things together like share, pray, and eat. 

In Language Arts class we reviewed our oral vocabulary words and the soft sounds of c and g. Today we sorted pictures based on their g sound. Next we learned how to blend and read words with -dge. After that we learned our new sight words. Then it was time to practice our skills. We read a folktale titled The Nice Mitten. We then switched gears from reading to grammar; today we talked about past and future tense verbs. We ended the morning by writing the steps in brushing our teeth. 

We were quite excited to have Gym class today. Today we worked on our endurance as we played "I Want a Home", a game where students try to find a "home" by running to a hula hoop. The students just love this game, but they were tired after it. 

In Math class today were talked about the terms tall/taller/tallest, short/shorter/shortest, and long/longer/longest. We used linking cubes to identify such positions and then transitioned to pictures. The students did quite well with this. 

We ended the day with Social Studies. Today we talked about the seasons and each seasons' weather. The students then illustrated something we do in each season. 

I hope everyone enjoyed the snow day yesterday. Stay warm! 

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