Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Where Does Time Go?

Greetings! Today was another busy day. It was one of those days where I had to ask myself "Where does the time go?" 

In Religion class this morning, we talked about how the Holy Spirit continues to help the church grow today. We learned 2 new songs to help us, and the students sang them all day. It was quite special to hear. 

As usual, Language Arts was full of learning. We began by reviewing our oral vocabulary words. Next we used our letter tiles to spell and read words with the soft c and g sound. After that, we reviewed our sight words before switching our focus to reading. We reread The Nice Mitten and wrote cause and effect examples from the story. Then we read our decodable reader. 

This afternoon in Language Arts, we reviewed past and future tense verbs by sorting sentences into those categories. We ended the day working in our literacy centers. 

In Math class today we practiced measuring objects like our Math book and rectangles. We used linking cubes and paper clips to do this. Measuring is quite fun! 

Have a great night! 

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