Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Creative Minds!

Greetings! I hope everyone had a pleasant day. We had a great day in first grade. 

In Religion class today we talked about how Jesus chose Peter to be the leader of the Apostles. We learned that he chose Peter because he was strong in his faith. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words, soft c and g words, and our sight words. We also reviewed adding endings onto words that end in e. After that, we worked on our fluency and comprehension. We partner read a story in our decodable reader booklet. We also read our story in our anthology. The students really enjoyed The Gingerbread Man. After reading the story we completed pages in our close reading companion. 

This afternoon in Language Arts, we reviewed past and future tense verbs. We also wrote in our journals. 

In Math class today, we again used linking cubes to measure objects. Today, however, we identified the length of objects by units and not linking cubes. 

So, when I came in the room at recess today, a group of boys were working together on the floor. As I went over to see what they were doing, I saw this giant gingerbread man built out of Army guys. Their creativeness just amazed me. I had to take a picture of their project:

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym day! 

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