Friday, December 21, 2018

Merry Christmas!

Greetings for the final time in 2018! Today was a short but action-filled day with the students. 

We began our day at Mass. Today Msgr. Lockard reminded us to be like Mary was in the Gospel. As she went in hast to visit Elizabeth, may we, too, be kind and compassionate toward others. 

Following Mass we had a birthday party for Jesus. The students enjoyed a cookie treat! 

When we got back to our classroom, we wrote in our elf journal for the final time. The students were quite excited to bring them home and share with you where Jingles hid each day. And for the final time, here is what Jingles was up to this week: 

After that, we opened presents. Thank you to everyone for everything. I am truly appreciative and overwhelmed by your generosity. The students even had presents to open. I can only imagine the excitement at your houses Christmas morning. 

May you and your family have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Enjoy time together with your friends and family. Enjoy some yummy foods. I'll see you back on January 2nd! 

Thursday, December 20, 2018

More Christmas Fun!

Greetings! Happy Thursday! Today was another day filled with fun Christmas activities! 

We actually began our day with Math. Today we wrapped up our chapter on the numbers to 20 by taking our chapter test. 

Then, following the test, we had Religion class. Today we talked about the importance of giving and how giving is better than getting. We talked about different things we could do for others this Christmas season. We added our writing to a craft. Have a look: 

After that we read the story Mooseltoe, a story about a Moose who forgets to get a Christmas tree and then turns himself into a tree. After reading the story we wrote about the problem and solution. Then using foam stickers, we made our own Mooseltoe. The students loved the stickers! 

This afternoon the students enjoyed the Choir's Christmas program. Christmas music once again filled the church! 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is an early dismissal. Enjoy your night! 

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Christmas Fun!

Greetings! Today was an amazing, wonderful, fantastic day all put into one. We spent most of the day working on Christmas projects. The students were so excited to do everything and could not wait for the next activity. I just loved the joy today. It was one of those days that when they left, I counted my blessings. 

We began our day with Religion class. Today, we reviewed the Christmas story. Then, the students colored pictures and created their own Nativity scene. I loved watching them arrange the people and move them around to make it just right. Here is one finished scene: 

We began Language Arts by working in centers. We then devoted the rest of the morning to Christmas stories and activities. First, we read a classic, How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Afterwards we talked about how to make a grinch grin. Students either wrote or illustrate what they would do. This became a Grinch. Have a look: 

Next we read Santa's Stuck, a story about what happens when Santa gets stuck in a chimney. We talked about what we would do if we found Santa stuck in our chimney. We added our writing to a craft. Here are some examples: 

This afternoon we did get back to learning. In Math we reviewed concepts related to the numbers to 20. We are getting better at identifying patterns that don't count by 1's. 

Then it was back to Christmas. We spent time talking about all of our blessings and how we need to count our blessings especially during this time. Students wrote their blessings on candy canes, and we placed our blessings in a stocking. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures of these. 

However, as promised, here is a picture of a Santa Claus made on Friday: 

Just a reminder, that we will not have Gym class tomorrow because of the Choir show. Have a magical night! 

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Ringing Christmas Bells!

Greetings! Happy Tuesday! Today was another fun day in first grade filled with learning and laughter. 

In Religion class, we read the Christmas story. We talked about why Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem and where Jesus was born. We also talked about that when we do something nice for others we are giving them a gift. 

In Language Arts we worked in our literacy centers. We also took time to make some Christmas presents! 

And in Math class we used our critical thinking skills to solve problems. The students did a great job using their thinking caps today. 

This afternoon we went over to church for the annual Handbell Concert. It always amazes me to hear the students play. They did such a nice job. And, as a surprise, even the teachers played a song this year. I will admit that I had fun playing the handbells. 

Enjoy your night! 

Monday, December 17, 2018

All Aboard!

Greetings! Happy Monday! Today was a fantastic day to start our week. It was our first ever Polar Express Day! The students were so excited and were not disappointed with the days' events. 

But, before we hoped aboard the Polar Express, there was work to be done. In Religion class today we talked about how the people greeted Jesus as he entered Jerusalem. We learned that they waved palm branches and shouted "Hosanna". 

In Math class today we learned several new skills. We completed number patterns by either counting forward or backward. We also identified the number that is one more, one less, two more, or two less than a given number. Finally we put numbers in order from least to greatest and greatest to least. 

Then it was time to begin our journey. We began by reading The Polar Express. Next, students were given their golden ticket and off they went. They visited each classroom on the primary floor and completed various activities. They wrote about what they would choose for the first gift of Christmas, designed their own pajamas, play BINGO, used jingle bells to measure objects, and drew pictures to sequence the events in the story. As they journeyed to each room, they followed the train tracks on the floor! 

This afternoon we gathered to watch the movie. The students enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate as they watched it. To say that today was a success is an understatement. Everyone left with smiles. It was so fun to see! 

Saturday, December 15, 2018

A Week Closer to Christmas!

Greetings! I hope everyone had a fantastic week. The excitement of Christmas is building. The students are getting very excited; I do love it! 

We began our day with Religion class. Today we talked about Jesus being the Good Shepherd. We learned that just like a shepherd cares for his flock, Jesus cares for us. 

We wrapped up another week of learning in first grade. Today we used our oral vocabulary words in sentences. We also read long i words and plural words. We then wrote sentences using our sight words. After that we took our weekly assessment and practiced using present tense verbs in sentences. 

In Math class today we practiced comparing numbers. The students did a fantastic job identifying the greater and least number in a set as well as telling how much greater/fewer a number is. 

Our focus today switched in Science. We will now begin studying matter. Today we learned that we can group objects by like characteristics. For our experiment, we grouped objects on whether or not they can float. The students loved this. 

Finally it was time for Art. Today we made Santa Claus using cotton balls and messy glue. The students were very creative in their artwork! I'll post pictures on Monday once all of the glue has dried! 

Here are the pictures of Jingle's happenings this week:

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Having Fun with Plays!

Greetings! Happy Thursday! I don't know about you but this week is just flying by. It is hard to believe that tomorrow is Friday and that the weekend is upon us. 

We began our day with Religion class. Today we wrapped up our chapter on Jesus teaching his disciples. We reviewed how they came to believe that Jesus was the Son of God and the prayer Jesus taught them. 

Then, the students had a special Music class today. The enjoyed their time with one of their favorite teachers! 

Upon returning from Music, we began Language Arts class. We reviewed our oral vocabulary words, read long i words, and spelled words to make them plural. We then reviewed all of our sight words by reading our word wall. After that, we partner read a story in our decodable reader. We ended the morning by writing the final two steps in how to plant a seed. 

This afternoon in Language Arts, we partner read The Big Yuca Tree with each student getting a part in the play. They really enjoyed reading plays this week. Then we read a nonfiction piece about plants and completed pages in our close reading companion. 

For Gym class today we played kickball which is becoming a favorite in first grade. The students are getting much better at fielding the ball! 

In Math class today we identified the greater and least number in a given set. We also identified how many more one set had over the other. 

We ended our day with Social Studies. Today we talked about mountains, plains, rivers, and lakes. 

Tomorrow will be a fun day! We have Art and Library! 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Busy from Start to Finish!

Greetings! Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone had a wonderful day! Our day was busy from start to finish! 

We began our day with Religion class. Today we looked at the meaning of the Our Father. We took each phrase and discussed what it means when we pray it. We also talked about praying the prayer meaningfully and not rushing through it. 

In Language Arts, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words. We also practiced reading long i words and plurals. After that we practiced our sight words for the week. Following that, our focus switched to building our fluency and comprehension. We partner read a story in our decodable reader. We also read the play The Big Yuca Plant. After reading that we completed pages in our close reading companion. 

This afternoon in Language Arts we practiced using present tense verbs in sentences by completing an online activity. We also practiced writing the titles of plays correctly. 

In Math class today we talked about place value. We identified the number of tens and ones in a number. We used our base ten blocks to help show numbers. The students are very good at place value. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym day! Remember your sneakers! 

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Christmas Concert and Play Day!

Greetings! Happy Tuesday! Today was a busy morning and a relaxing afternoon. We worked hard all morning learning new things so that this afternoon we could enjoy our Christmas Concert and Play! 

We began our day by going to Adoration. We spent quiet time talking with Jesus asking him to help others and to get ready to welcome him at Christmas time. 

Once we got back to the classroom, we had Math class. Today we continued practicing counting to 20 by making 10 and then counting on. The students are great with this; they really understand how to count on. 

Then we jumped into Language Arts class. We began by working in our literacy centers. Then we reviewed the oral vocabulary words we learned yesterday and learned three new words (grasped, spied, and assist). After that we worked on making predictions as we read a fable about a man and a giant turnip. Then we practiced reading and spelling long i words by using our letter tiles. We followed that up by learning about plurals when a word ends in an e; all we need to do is add an -s. Next we practiced our sight words by using them in sentences. We finished the morning by rereading Time to Plant and sequencing the events in the story. After lunch we read our decodable reader and answered questions about it. 

Then it was time to enjoy some Christmas music. Our beginner, intermediate, and advanced bands entertained us first. They did a wonderful job playing some Christmas favorites. I was amazed at how great they sounded for being such a young age. Then the Junior High department performed The Christmas Carol. And what a show that was! From the singing to the acting to everything it was a fantastic show. Kudos to everyone involved in today's performances. It truly was a magical afternoon! 

Monday, December 10, 2018

O Christmas Tree!

Greetings! Happy Monday! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Those days just seem to go by so quickly especially with the holidays approaching. 

We began our day with Religion. Today we learned that Jesus taught his disciples how to pray the Our Father. We were amazed that we still pray this same prayer today taught over 2,000 years ago. 

We began Language Arts class by working in our literacy centers. After that we began a new week of learning. We learned two new oral vocabulary words (bloom and sprout). We then worked on making predictions as we read Mystery Vine. Following that we learned how to blend and read long i words. Finally, we learned our new sight words. With all of this new knowledge, we read a play titled Time to Grow. The students really enjoyed reading this play. 

This afternoon in Language Arts we learned about present tense verbs and practiced using them in sentences. We also wrote the first two steps in how to plant a seed. 

We began a new chapter in Math class today. This chapter will focus on the numbers to 20. We identified these numbers and practiced counting to 20. To do this, we identified a group of 10 and then counted on. The students did very well with this. 

After all of this hard work, it was time to take a break. We ended the day by decorating our classroom Christmas tree. The students put the ornaments on the tree, helped place the star on top and the manger below. Here is our tree: 

Have a wonderful night! 

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Christmas Wreaths!

Greetings! Happy Friday! It is hard to believe that this was our first full week of school since the end of October. And we had a fantastic Friday to end our week of learning! 

We began our day with Mass. Today at Mass, Msgr. Lockard talked to us about St. Ambrose and how he answered God's call. He reminded us to always be open to what God is calling us to do. 

We wrapped up another week of learning in Language Arts today. We used our oral vocabulary words in sentences, read long a words and words with the contractions not. We wrote sentences using our sight words. Then we took our weekly assessment and practiced finding verbs in sentences. 

In Math class we took our test on ordinal position. Next week we will be learning the numbers to 20. 

In Science class we wrapped up our chapter on living things. We reviewed the terms living and nonliving. We also reviewed different habitats and the plants and animals that live there. 

Finally, it was time for Art. Today we made Christmas wreaths by adding shredded scrapbook paper around our painted green paper plates. They look so good! I can't wait to display them in the classroom! 

And finally, here is what Jingles has been up to this week! 

Have a great weekend! 

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Happy St. Nicholas Day!

Greetings! Happy St. Nicholas Day! In honor of St. Nicholas, Jingles left the students candy canes. He also reminded the students to always be kind and helpful just like St. Nicholas was. 

We began our day by meeting with our Faith Families. With our families, we talked about what it means to be people of integrity. We used the life of St. Nicholas to lead the discussion. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words. We also practiced reading long a words, contractions with not, and our sight words. We worked on our fluency as we partner read a story in our decodable reader and our story from yesterday. We then read a nonfiction piece about telling time and completed pages in our close reading companion that went along with that story. 

For Gym class today we played kickball. The students just loved this. They had fun striking the ball, running the bases, and running after the ball. 

In Math class today we used our critical thinking skills to solve problems. We also reviewed concepts related to ordinal position. The students do quite well with these words. 

Unfortunately, we ran out of time for Social Studies class today. However, on Monday, we had a special Social Studies class. There we created a map of the world showing the seven continents and four oceans. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow we have Mass, Library, and Art! 

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

"Be Good"

Greetings! Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone made it home safely tonight. As pretty as the snow looked falling, it is not always pretty to drive in. 

Jingles left the students a special message today. He reminded them to be good by spelling those words using our letter tiles. And, yes, the students had a great day today! 

Today for Religion class we watched a movie on the life of St. Nicholas. We learned about how he helped many people and how he had strong faith. Tomorrow we will meet with our Faith Families to talk about how we can live a life on integrity just like St. Nicholas. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words. We then practiced reading long a words and contractions with not. Finally, we practiced reading our sight words. We then switched gears to focus on fluency and comprehension. We partner read a story in our decodable reader before reading On My Way to School, a fantasy story about why a boy is late for story. Following that we completed pages in our close reading companion to build our comprehension skills. 

This afternoon in Language Arts we wrote the final two steps in decorating a Christmas tree. We also practiced putting commas in a series. Finally, we created our own superhero. Around our superhero we wrote six action verbs telling what he/she can do. 

We ended the morning with Science class since we missed class on Friday because of the delay. Today we took a trip around the world to visit different habitats. We went to the desert, forest, and ocean. At each place we learned about different animals and plants that live there. 

In Math class today we explored the words up, down, near, far, under, below, in front of, and behind. We did not have any troubles with these words! 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym. Please wear your sneakers to school. Also, please have your child wear his/her Christ is RICH in me t-shirt over his/her uniform tomorrow. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

A Typical Tuesday!

Greetings! Happy Tuesday! Today was a good day in first grade. 

We began our day with Religion class. Today we read the story about Jesus calming the stormy water and how his disciples came to believe that he is the Son of God. 

We began Language Arts class by working in our literacy centers. Then we jumped into our week of learning. We reviewed the oral vocabulary words from yesterday and learned three new words (calendar, weekend, and occasion). Next we worked on making predictions as we read a nonfiction story about things we use to tell time. After that we used our letter tiles to spell and read long a words. Following that we learned how to spell and read contractions for not; the students remembered the contractions for is so this came quite easy to them. Next we practiced using our sight words in sentences. We wrapped up the morning by rereading Nate the Snake is Late and writing details about what happened in the beginning, middle, and end of the story. 

This afternoon in Language Arts we read our decodable reader and sequenced events in that story. We then practiced using action verbs in sentences. 

In Math class we continued our study of ordinal position. Today we worked with the terms before, after, between, left, right, and next to. The trick for us is to tell the difference between left and right. 

Have a great night!  

Monday, December 3, 2018

Welcome to December!

Greetings! Welcome to December! I just love this month. I know things are crazy with the holidays around the corner and that there is so much to do. But I just love seeing the excitement in the children's eyes as they wait for that magic of Christmas. It feels my heart with joy. Let the good times begin! 

We began our day with our extra Gym class. Thanks to Mr. Bishop for taking us to the Gym. There he taught them how to play kickball. 

We began our learning day with Religion. Today we wrapped up our study of Advent. We reviewed the meaning of the season (waiting for Jesus), the Advent wreath, and the season's color (purple). After that we began our chapter on Jesus calling people to be his followers. Today we learned that Jesus' close followers were called Apostles. 

We began Language Arts class by working in our literacy centers to build our fluency and comprehension skills. After that we started a new week of learning. We learned two new oral vocabulary words (immediately and schedule). Then we worked on making predictions as we read A Second is a Hiccup. Following that we learned how to blend and read long a words. This was our first day with long vowels and the students did quite well. They know that they need to look for the 'magic e' to help them decide whether the vowel says its name or not. We ended the morning by learning our 6 new sight words. 

This afternoon in Language Arts we read Nate the Snake is Late, a fantasy story about a snake. Then we talked about verbs; we know that they are the action words in a sentence. We ended our class by writing the first two steps in decorating a Christmas tree. 

In Math class today we began a new chapter. This chapter focuses on ordinal position. Today we identified the position of various objects and people. The students did quite well with this. 

Have a good night!