Monday, December 10, 2018

O Christmas Tree!

Greetings! Happy Monday! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Those days just seem to go by so quickly especially with the holidays approaching. 

We began our day with Religion. Today we learned that Jesus taught his disciples how to pray the Our Father. We were amazed that we still pray this same prayer today taught over 2,000 years ago. 

We began Language Arts class by working in our literacy centers. After that we began a new week of learning. We learned two new oral vocabulary words (bloom and sprout). We then worked on making predictions as we read Mystery Vine. Following that we learned how to blend and read long i words. Finally, we learned our new sight words. With all of this new knowledge, we read a play titled Time to Grow. The students really enjoyed reading this play. 

This afternoon in Language Arts we learned about present tense verbs and practiced using them in sentences. We also wrote the first two steps in how to plant a seed. 

We began a new chapter in Math class today. This chapter will focus on the numbers to 20. We identified these numbers and practiced counting to 20. To do this, we identified a group of 10 and then counted on. The students did very well with this. 

After all of this hard work, it was time to take a break. We ended the day by decorating our classroom Christmas tree. The students put the ornaments on the tree, helped place the star on top and the manger below. Here is our tree: 

Have a wonderful night! 

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