Friday, December 21, 2018

Merry Christmas!

Greetings for the final time in 2018! Today was a short but action-filled day with the students. 

We began our day at Mass. Today Msgr. Lockard reminded us to be like Mary was in the Gospel. As she went in hast to visit Elizabeth, may we, too, be kind and compassionate toward others. 

Following Mass we had a birthday party for Jesus. The students enjoyed a cookie treat! 

When we got back to our classroom, we wrote in our elf journal for the final time. The students were quite excited to bring them home and share with you where Jingles hid each day. And for the final time, here is what Jingles was up to this week: 

After that, we opened presents. Thank you to everyone for everything. I am truly appreciative and overwhelmed by your generosity. The students even had presents to open. I can only imagine the excitement at your houses Christmas morning. 

May you and your family have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Enjoy time together with your friends and family. Enjoy some yummy foods. I'll see you back on January 2nd! 

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