Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Christmas Fun!

Greetings! Today was an amazing, wonderful, fantastic day all put into one. We spent most of the day working on Christmas projects. The students were so excited to do everything and could not wait for the next activity. I just loved the joy today. It was one of those days that when they left, I counted my blessings. 

We began our day with Religion class. Today, we reviewed the Christmas story. Then, the students colored pictures and created their own Nativity scene. I loved watching them arrange the people and move them around to make it just right. Here is one finished scene: 

We began Language Arts by working in centers. We then devoted the rest of the morning to Christmas stories and activities. First, we read a classic, How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Afterwards we talked about how to make a grinch grin. Students either wrote or illustrate what they would do. This became a Grinch. Have a look: 

Next we read Santa's Stuck, a story about what happens when Santa gets stuck in a chimney. We talked about what we would do if we found Santa stuck in our chimney. We added our writing to a craft. Here are some examples: 

This afternoon we did get back to learning. In Math we reviewed concepts related to the numbers to 20. We are getting better at identifying patterns that don't count by 1's. 

Then it was back to Christmas. We spent time talking about all of our blessings and how we need to count our blessings especially during this time. Students wrote their blessings on candy canes, and we placed our blessings in a stocking. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures of these. 

However, as promised, here is a picture of a Santa Claus made on Friday: 

Just a reminder, that we will not have Gym class tomorrow because of the Choir show. Have a magical night! 

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