Monday, December 17, 2018

All Aboard!

Greetings! Happy Monday! Today was a fantastic day to start our week. It was our first ever Polar Express Day! The students were so excited and were not disappointed with the days' events. 

But, before we hoped aboard the Polar Express, there was work to be done. In Religion class today we talked about how the people greeted Jesus as he entered Jerusalem. We learned that they waved palm branches and shouted "Hosanna". 

In Math class today we learned several new skills. We completed number patterns by either counting forward or backward. We also identified the number that is one more, one less, two more, or two less than a given number. Finally we put numbers in order from least to greatest and greatest to least. 

Then it was time to begin our journey. We began by reading The Polar Express. Next, students were given their golden ticket and off they went. They visited each classroom on the primary floor and completed various activities. They wrote about what they would choose for the first gift of Christmas, designed their own pajamas, play BINGO, used jingle bells to measure objects, and drew pictures to sequence the events in the story. As they journeyed to each room, they followed the train tracks on the floor! 

This afternoon we gathered to watch the movie. The students enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate as they watched it. To say that today was a success is an understatement. Everyone left with smiles. It was so fun to see! 

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