Monday, December 19, 2022

Christmas Week 2022!

 Greetings! Welcome to Christmas Week 2022! I just love the enthusiasm and excitement this week. It makes me wish I was a kid again! 

In Religion class today we talked about how Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth after the angel Gabriel came to her. 

We are not beginning a new week of learning in Language Arts this week. Instead, we are going to review what we have learned and participate in fun Christmas literacy activities. Today, we read Santa's Stuck, a funny fiction story about Santa getting stuck in a chimney. After reading the story, we wrote about what we would do if Santa was stuck in our chimney. We added our writing to a craft. 

In Math class today, we learned two new addition strategies. The first one has us recognizing doubles facts and doubles plus 1 facts to solve problems. The second strategy reminded us that we can add in any order. With all of the strategies learned, we will pick our favorite strategy to help us add. 

This afternoon we were treated to a play performed by students in our Junior High department. They did a wonderful job. First grade gives the performance two thumbs up! 

Here is a picture from our Santa art on Friday. 

Have a great night! 

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