Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Secret Santa Shop!

 Greetings! Happy Tuesday! Today was an exciting day in first grade. It was Secret Santa Shop Day! And, our other first grade friends joined us for a day of learning. 

We had lots of fun shopping at the Secret Santa shop. The children loved picking out presents for family and friends. They were so excited to leave with their gifts today. Thank you to all of the parents who volunteered to help the students shop and wrap their gifts! 

In Religion class today, we talked about how Mary was not born with original sin and how she never sinned. 

We continued with our week of learning in Language Arts. We reviewed our oral vocabulary words from yesterday and learned three new words (eventually, foolish, and timid). Next, we worked on making predictions as we read a folktale about a foolish rabbit. Following that, we used our letter tiles to spell and read soft c, soft g, and -dge words. After that, we learned how to spell words with an inflectional ending when the word ends in e (drop the final e before adding the ending). Then, we practiced using our sight words in sentences. We ended the morning focusing on our comprehension skills; this week we are working on cause and effect. We reread The Nice Mitten and wrote cause and effect examples from it. We did the same as we read our decodable reader. 

This afternoon in Language Arts we learned about future tense verbs. We learned that future tense verbs have the word will with it. 

In Math class, we took our test on the numbers to 20. Tomorrow we will begin to learn addition strategies to 20. 

Have a good night! 

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