Saturday, January 19, 2013

Ahoy Mateys!

Today was a great way to end the week. For the first time this school year, we used the song books during Mass. They all did such a great job finding the page and singing along. I was quite proud of them and they were excited to be the like big kids. 

Language Arts class was filled with excitement and learning. Not only did we practice our sight words but also learned how to decode and read words the r-controlled -ar. Because -ar makes the "arrrr" sound like a pirate, we made Pirates holding 'Arrrrgh' words. They turned out so cute. 

In Math, we took a survey to find out what we like to do when it snows. We completed the survey be practicing drawing tally marks. When then took that information and put it into a bar graph. Using the bar graph, we answered questions about what we like to do when it snows. Here are pictures of this activity. 

To end the week, we made snowglobes in Art class. The students drew a winter scene picture, and then I added the glitter. They all did such a nice job creating their own winter scene. 

Have a great weekend everyone. Just remember that we do not have school on Monday! 

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