Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Student Appreciation Day!

Today we honored the students at Holy Name School for being outstanding young people. I truly enjoy working with the students each day and am thankful for all of them. The students were treated to some fitness centers today. We totally enjoyed the parachute activity and shooting basketballs. This was surely the highlight of our day. 

Back in the classroom we learned how to read r-controlled er, ir, and ur words. Reading them is easy but spelling them can be tricky. We also worked on drawing conclusions after reading a story. In Math class, we continued our study of the doubles plus 1 facts. 

Tomorrow the students are permitted to wear sweats to school. If they wish, they may being pajamas and slippers to change into during the afternoon. We will also have a 'drop everything and read' activity. Students are encouraged to bring a book from home to read during this time. 

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