Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I hope everyone enjoyed their break and the snow. It was exciting hearing the stories today of what everyone did over break. 

So far, first grade is off to a good start in 2013. We jumped right back into the learning process this morning. We learned how to read and spell words with -ng and -nk and practiced telling the plot of a story. In Math, we used linking cubes to measure various objects found in the classroom like a ruler, crayon, pencil, and book. 

During Social Studies class, we reviewed the different types of land forms by creating a small booklet. We wrote the name of the land form on one side and a definition on the other. Finally, we added details to the land forms. Here is a picture of a booklet. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is already Thursday and we will have gym class. Students can wear sneakers to school. 

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