Saturday, January 5, 2013

Fantastic Friday!

Today was an exciting day in first grade. One of the students said he couldn't decide what the best part of the day was! 

With the Christmas season still upon us, we talked about the Feast of Epiphany, which is this weekend. We learned that the three kings followed a star to Bethlehem and gave Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense. and myrrh. We then created this most adorable scene of the wise men following the star. 

Another highlight came during Science class. Before Christmas we learned about solids, liquids, and gases. Today, we reviewed those terms and did an experiment with bubbles. Keeping in mind that bubbles are filled with gas, we experimented to see whether hand soap or dish soap would create longer lasting bubbles. It was determined that dish soap makes better bubbles. 

In Art class, we made snowman using paper dollies. I think they will add a nice touch to our room during winter. 

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