Friday, January 11, 2013

Popcorn and Penguins!

Happy Friday everyone! I hope everyone had a great week just like what we had in first grade. We began our day by finishing our writing project from yesterday. We wrote about what we would like to be when we grow up and then created a self portrait. Here's how they turned out: 

Today in Language Arts we studied r-controlled -or words (I call them bossy r words). After practicing decoding and reading these words, we created our very own popcORN words. Students wrote an -or word on a kernel and then used their kernels to create a bucket of popcorn. They turned out amazing and made us all hungry for popcorn. 

In Math, we began our study for subtracting two facts. During Science we talked about how water can change from a solid to a liquid to a gas. Finally, it was time for Art class. Today we made Penguins which are quite adorable! 

I hope everyone has a terrific weekend! 

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