Thursday, February 21, 2013

Active and Tiring Day

It was another busy learning day in first grade. We reviewed the phonics skills we have been practicing this week as well as our sight words. We then listened to Mama's Birthday Present. With this being a longer story we just listened and talked about it today. Tomorrow we will read it and discuss it at greater depth. We finished Language Arts class by working in literacy centers. 

In Math, we are learning our to trade pennies for dimes. We did an overview of adding two two-digit numbers with regrouping by using dimes and pennies. The students had no troubles seeing when to trade 10 pennies for a dime. 

Gym class made us quite tired today. We rocked out to Rockin' Aerobics. By the end of class everyone was tired, in need of a drink, and ready for a nap. 

As promised, here is a picture of our George Washington project from yesterday. Happy Birthday, George Washington! 

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