Monday, February 4, 2013

Welcome Back!

Hello, Everyone! It is so good to be back to school. I hope everyone had a safe two days off. Many of the students were excited to tell me what they did over the long unexpected break. I am glad they enjoyed themselves. 

I would first like to begin by thanking those who took the time to write a special thank you note to me. They moved me to tears tonight. Your words of kindness really touched my heart. I truly look forward each and every day to teaching the students. 

With snow days hopefully behind us, first grade jumped right back into learning. We learned how to read and spell contractions and practiced reading our sight words. We also continued and reviewed our doubles plus one facts. 

Just a quick note about changes to the week: The 100th Day of School will now be on Friday, February 8th. The 100 project designs will be due that day. Also, the Spelling test has been pushed back a day until Thursday. If you have any questions, please let me know! 

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