Friday, February 8, 2013

Happy 100th Day of School!

Happy 100th Day of School! Before celebrating this special day, first grade did do some learning. We talked about the season of Lent (which begins next week) and learned how to solve a problem by using the guess and check strategy. We also talked about what foods we need to eat to keep our teeth nice and strong. 

Unfortunately, our activities were cut short today. Before leaving early for the day, we did finish our 100 word booklet. We also took 100 fruit loops and made a necklace. They looked great on everybody! I did promise the students that we would finish the remainder of the activities on Monday. We'll carry the fun over to the 101st day of school. 

I want to share a picture of all the amazing 100th Day projects the students created. Each and every one is so unique and special. I love them! Thank you for taking the time to work with your child to create some amazing artwork. 

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