Monday, February 11, 2013

The Celebration Continues!

Since our celebration plans for the 100th Day of School were cut short on Friday, first grade continued the celebration today on the 101st day of school. We created self portraits of ourselves when we are 100 years old. We then wrote what we would do when we are 100. Responses ranged from watching TV to lying on the couch to playing video games. The portraits are just too funny. 

We then wrote about what we would do if we had $100. Students wrote that they would buy items ranging from food to dolls to a mansion to a horse. One student did write that he would give it to charity. 

Finally, the students took the digits 1, 0, 0 to make a picture. We are still in the process of finishing them. I promise a picture tomorrow. 

In addition to all the excitement today, first grade did learn new things. We learned how to read words with comparative endings and how to use them in a sentence. We also practiced adding two two-digit numbers without using dimes and pennies. It was a busy start to the week. 

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