Saturday, February 16, 2013

Busy Beavers

Happy Friday! It was nice to have almost a full week of school. Hopefully the worst of the winter weather is over. 

We were busy beavers today in first grade. We started our day with Mass. We then headed to library. We did some reviewing in Language Arts and learned about place value in Math class. 

Science brought about excitement in the classroom. We have been talking about good dental hygiene in honor of Dental Health Month. Today we watched a video about the importance of brushing our teeth. Yesterday we put hard boiled eggs in a cup of Coke. Today when we took the eggs out they were all brown. Using a toothbrush and some toothpaste we "brushed" the eggs. We all agree that we need to brush our teeth each and every day so that our teeth don't look brown like our eggs. 

We finished the day with Art class. Today we made heart trees using our thumbprints to make the hearts. They turned out quite lovely. Have a look . . . 

Just a reminder that we do not have school on Monday. Enjoy your long weekend! 

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