Wednesday, May 15, 2013

All About Telephones

Greetings, everyone! Today was a great day of learning in first grade. The highlight came during Language Arts when we read our story Alexander Graham Bell. The students were just fascinated about how the first telephone worked. Many were amazed that telephones had wires; they even asked about how wireless phones work. Some were curious about Alexander's family wanting to know if he was married or if he had any children. I just loved their excitement for this story and their enthusiasm at wanting to know more. 

In Math class, we talked about the words impossible, likely, and certain. We did an experiment where I put 9 yellow and 1 red linking cubes in a bag. The students each picked a cube from the bag and we recorded our answers on a graph. We realized that we were more likely to pick a yellow cube since more yellow cubes were in the bag. 

I hope everyone has a good night's rest so that we are ready for our field trip tomorrow. 

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