Thursday, May 23, 2013

Soaring High!

It is so amazing to see the growth the students have made this year. I was listening to them read today and listened with awe had how well they all read. They have all grown so much this year, and I am so proud of them. 

Things today got off to a fast start. We wrapped up our unit of study of the Mass. We talked about different things that we say and do during Mass. This is a great unit for the end of the year as it serves as a nice connection to second grade where they will study the Mass parts in depth as they prepare for First Holy Communion. 

In Language Arts, we spent the day reviewing. To help with our comprehension of our story, we made kites. On each kite we drew the characters, setting, problem, and solution for the story. Here's a picture of the finished product.

In Math, we talked about place value. We used pictures of pennies to show various numbers. 

Have a good night! 

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