Saturday, May 25, 2013

Beach Scene!

Today was a great way to end the week. We wrapped up our story on Ben Franklin. As an extension, we read the book Ben and Now where we heard about all of the things Ben invented. He discovered that he was a very busy, smart man who had to be tired at the end of the day. 

In Math class we learned our last 4 subtraction facts for the year. Please remember to practice these facts over the summer. 

We continue to talk about plants in Science class. Using the leaves we gathered on Tuesday and an iPad, we were able to identify some of the trees the leaves came from. We had a Norway maple leaf and a red oak tree leaf samples in our collection. 

We wrapped up the day by going to the beach. The students created their very own beach scene. We even added a little sand to the picture for an added effect. Many of us can't wait until we go to the beach this summer. 

Have a great Memorial Day weekend! See you on Tuesday!!

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