Thursday, May 30, 2013

Field Day Fun!

What a fun day we had in first grade. Our day started out with Music class and kept on getting better from there. We attended our very first Awards Ceremony this morning where every student was recognized for their achievements this year. I am so proud at how much the children have grown this year. 

The fun continued back in the classroom. As we wind down the school year, the students were asked to recall things they have learned this year. We wrote our responses on ice cream scoops and then created an ice cream cone. 

After lunch we participated in various field day activities. The students were divided into teams with teams consisting of students in grades 1-7. Working together, the students participated in various relay races. I'm sure all would say that the water balloons were the biggest hit. 

We ended our exciting day by playing board games. The students loved playing their favorite games with their classmates. 

It is hard to believe but tomorrow is our last full day of first grade. 

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