Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

First grade had an exciting day to end the week. We were thrilled to meet Brother Franklin today. He talked to us about the good work he is doing in Haiti, and he thanked us for all that we do for Haiti. The students were excited to hear about the progress being made in Haiti. 

Back in the classroom, we finished up our story Simple Machines by reviewing the phonics skills studied this week as well as taking our test on the story. In Math class we learned how to subtract two two-digit numbers using our dimes and pennies. 

We did have a little sadness today when we visited the library one last time. We really enjoyed going each week and getting new books. We loved hearing the stories our librarian read to us. We look forward to visiting the library next year. Please make sure to return all library books to school by next Friday. 

Our Art class today was focused on Mother's Day. We wrapped our present for our Mom's today as well as made her a special card. We also made a vase of handprints. I wish every mom a Happy Mother's Day. I hope you enjoy your day!!!

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