Monday, September 30, 2013

The Month of the Rosary

Welcome back everyone! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. The students really seemed to enjoy their three day break. 

Today in Religion class we learned how to pray the rosary. We first talked about why we pray the rosary and colored a sheet that showed what prayers to say when. Then each student was given a rosary and we prayed the first decade of the Joyful Mysteries. We will continue to pray a decade a day until the end of October at which point the students will bring their rosaries home. 

In Language Arts class today we learned how to blend and decode words with the inflected ending -ing. We also practiced using these words in sentences. In addition, we practiced our sight words and talked about the importance of correct word order in sentences. 

In Math class today, we practiced drawing and writing number addition sentences. 

On a special note, we are preparing for our author visit this week. Matt Novak will be joining first grade on Wednesday. To prepare, we read his book Newt and talked about things friends do together. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Happy Birthday, Johnny Appleseed!

Today we celebrated the life of Johnny Appleseed with many fun activities. 

This morning, we joined with our friends in Room 101 to read Johnny Appleseed by Stephen Kellogg. We learned all about Johnny Appleseed's life and why we still celebrate him today. Then, we made applesauce by adding sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, and water to apples in a crock pot. We had to wait until the afternoon though before we could taste it. And when we did, we found it to be delicious! 

Back in our classroom, we wrote the steps in how to make applesauce. We also wrote questions to Johnny Appleseed. In addition, we created paper apples and formed a describing sentence under our apples by cutting and gluing words. Here is how some of our apples turned out. 

Just a reminder that we do not have school tomorrow. On Monday, we will have a Pirate jean day. Students are allowed to wear blue jeans and either a Pirate shirt or a black or gold shirt to school. If you have any questions, please let me know. Have a great weekend! Let's go Bucs! 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Apples on Top!

It is hard to believe that today is already Wednesday. This week is flying by. 

In Language Arts today we practiced reading short vowel words and our sight words. We played the game "I Have, Who Has". We also worked in our literacy centers today. 

In Math, we practiced counting to 23 using a wrap-up. A wrap-up is a Math manipulative that looks like a set of keys. Using a string, the students wrap their way to 23. We will continue to use wrap-ups throughout the year especially when we begin learning our Math facts. 

Our apple activity today centered around fun things to do with apples. We read the book Ten Apples Up on Top by Dr. Seuss. In the book, the characters balance apples on their heads without dropping them. We used that idea but with a twist. Students drew a picture of themselves at the bottom of paper. Then using apples, they stamped an apple into paint and stamped apples on top of their heads. Here is how on picture turned out: 

Please remember that our Spelling test is tomorrow since we do not have school on Friday. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Hoppin' Day

Today was another hoppin' day in first grade. Today marks the end of our 40 Hours Devotion. We again attended Mass this morning followed by Adoration this afternoon. I really hope the children grew a little closer to Jesus during these past two days. 

Back in the classroom, we worked on learning new things and reviewing old things. We reviewed how to read words the inflected ending -s and discussed the main ideas of several stories. We even worked in our literacy centers today. 

We also worked on correct spacing when writing sentences. Using a "Space Man" stick, we began writing a poem using correct spacing. 

In Math, we made a pictograph using the seeds from yesterday's apples. Working with a partner, students counted the total number of seeds in their apple and then added their total to a graph. Here is how our graph turned out:  

We continued our studies of apples this week by talking about the different parts of an apple. We made a diagram to help us remembered what we learned. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

It's Apple Week!

Happy Monday everyone! I hope everyone had a nice weekend and that the rain didn't spoil any plans. 

Today was quite a day. We began by attending Mass for 40 Hours. We then went back this afternoon to spend some quiet time praying to Jesus. The 40 Hours Devotion to Jesus will conclude tomorrow. We will again attend Mass in the morning and Adoration in the afternoon. 

In Language Arts today, we learned how to read words that end in -s. In Math, we saw how to divide an object in half. I divided apples in half and gave everyone a half of an apple. We then picked the seeds from our apple; we will use these seeds tomorrow in Math. 

Today also marked the beginning of Apple Week in first grade. Each day we learn something about apples all leading up to the celebration of Johnny Appleseed's birthday on Thursday. Today we talked about the life cycle of an apple. We completed a flow chart to help us remember how an apple grows. 

Here is a picture from the apple art project we completed on Friday! 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Assemblies and More

Happy Friday! Today was another busy day in first grade. 

We began our day by attending Mass and then our Peackekeeper Kick-off Assembly. There we learned to motto THINK which means before we speak or act we have to think is it true, is it helpful, is it inspiring, is it nice, and is it kind. The assembly ended with the playing of the song "Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars. 

Once we returned to the classroom, we resumed our work. We wrapped up our story The Big Blue Ox, took our Spelling test, and practiced sorting each other into two groups. 

In Science class today, we talked about the three main body parts of insects. The students worked in groups to build a clay model of an insect. Each model had to have the three body parts and six legs. The students really enjoyed this. 

Art class today was devoted to apples. We created a mosaic apple by filling in an apple pattern with pieces of red construction paper. We used our handprint for the stem. 

Have a great weekend! 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Busy (and tiring) Day

Happy Thursday! Today was quite a busy day for us. Many of the students looked tired by the end of the day! 

Language Arts today was a bit of a review mixed with building fluency practice. We reviewed our sight words, short i, and final -x words. We worked in literacy centers today too. Tonight for homework the students brought home a small reading book. They are to read the book to you and return it to school tomorrow. 

In Math class today, we practiced identifying a number between two numbers. 

Tomorrow looks to be an exciting day. We have Mass, followed by our Peacekeeper program, Library, and who could forget Art. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Sunny Wednesday!

What a beautiful, sunny day today was. I was admiring the weather during gym class; it was too nice to stay inside. I wish this weather would last. 

Today was busy in first grade. We began our day with Spanish class. Today the students reviewed the words for red, yellow, and blue. 

During Language Arts class we read our story The Big Blue Ox. It did not take us long to realize that this story is make-believe as we laughed at all of the things the ox did. Before reading, we reviewed short o and plural -s words as well as our sight words. 

Today in Math we practiced counting pennies. 

Also, today we learned about community helpers. We identified the various helpers in our community as well as what they do. We were then given a specific helper and wrote about what they did. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Learning in the Air

Learning was in the air today in first grade! We worked really hard today as we discovered new things. 

We learned how to read words with -s plurals. We also learned what it means if something is plural. In addition, we practiced reading our sight words. The most exciting part of Language Arts came when we worked in our literacy centers. Students will rotate between 4 different stations a week where they will practice their phonics skills, sight words, and writing. They will also meet with me as we work to build our fluency and comprehension. 

In Math, we learned how to draw pictures for 'some, some more' and 'some, some went away' stories. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is gym day. Also, book orders are due tomorrow. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday, everyone! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Today was a great start to our week. We had both Music and Computer class today. 

In between our specials, we worked hard learning new things. We practiced making the Sign of the Cross in Religion. During Language Arts, we read short o words. Using our letter tiles, we practiced spelling short o words. We also talked about character and setting as well as the action part of a sentence. 

In Math class, we used geoboards to make various shapes. We also identified the inside and outside of the shape. 

As promised on Friday, here are some pictures of the fall trees we created in Art class last week. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Funday on Friday

Happy Friday everyone! I must say that today was such a fun day in first grade. We really enjoyed ourselves today. 

It began with Religion class. Today we reviewed what we learned yesterday about the Blessed Trinity by making Trinity triangles. These triangles can be displayed as an ornament to help us remember the Three Persons in the Blessed Trinity. 

In Language Arts we wrapped up our story Pig in a Wig. One of the things we did was write sentences about what real pigs do. We then assembled a quick craft to make a pig sitting in mud. They turned out great; they did a great job remembering capital letters and periods when writing sentences.

Today marked the first day that we went to the library. We were quite excited to take a book home and read it over the weekend. Please return all books by next Friday. 

In Science class, we discussed the different animal coverings animals have. We then used magnifying glasses to observe feathers. We were impressed by what we saw. 

We ended the day in Art class. Today we created fall trees using paint. We put paint on sponges and then stamped leaves on our tree. I will post pictures on Monday once everything has dried. 

Have a fabulous weekend! 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Fast Day

What a productive day we had in first grade today! Time flew right by! 

We began our day by learning about the Blessed Trinity. We learned that there are Three Persons in one God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. They are all joined together by love. 

Today was a bit of a review day for us in Language Arts. We reviewed our sight words and short a and final ck words. We also practiced building our fluency by rereading Pig in a Wig. In addition, we practiced finding the naming part in a sentence. 

In Math class today we reviewed various attributes about triangles. We also sorted ourselves into different categories: those wearing polo shirts and those who were not, those wearing white socks and those who were not, and boys and girls. 

Tomorrow is Friday meaning it is Art day. I wonder what we will create? Check back tomorrow for some pictures. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Hot Day!

Today was a hot day in first grade. We did our best to work hard and learn new things. 

We began Language Arts by reviewing our phonics skills for the week as well as our sight words. We were then ready to read our story Pig in a Wig. We found this story to be rather funny. I hope you enjoyed hearing it tonight. 

In Math, we talked about some, some more stories and some, some went away stories. 

I really enjoyed meeting many of you tonight at Open House. Thank you so much for stopping by. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Happy Tuesday!

Today was filled with many exciting things. We began our day by attending Eucharistic Adoration for the first time. We enjoyed spending some time talking to Jesus this morning. Also this morning we had our kick-off assembly for our annual Magazine Sale. The students were able to see the prizes they could earn by selling magazines. If we reach our school goal, then the school will have a BMX show. We all promised to do our best and try to sell some magazines. 

Back in the classroom, we learned how to decode and read words with the final x sound. We also practiced reading our sight words today. In Math class, we learned how to identify ordinal position for first, second, and third. 

Tomorrow night is Open House night at Holy Name. It begins with a Home and School meeting at 6:30 followed by a meet and greet with the teachers. I look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow night. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Busy Monday!

Happy Monday everyone! I hoped everyone enjoyed their weekend. First grade had a busy start to our week. 

We began our day with Music class which put smiles on our faces. It was a great way to start our day. 

During Language Arts class, we learned how to blend and read short i words. We also practiced spelling them. In addition we talked about the difference between realism and fantasy. We wrapped up class by discussing the naming part of a sentence. 

In Math class, we discussed the meaning of the words fewest and smallest. Using linking cubes, we made towers of various heights and then identified which one was smaller. 

Tomorrow is filled with many fun things. Included in our day is our Magazine Sale Kick-off Assembly. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Owl Fun!

Greetings! First grade had a wonderful day to end the week. We began our day by attending Mass with Msgr. Lockard. He told us to always smile and use nice words. That is something first grade is going to try to do. 

During Language Arts class, we wrapped up our story Sam, Come Back by reviewing both the phonics skills we studied these past two weeks and our sight words. We also took a test on the story. 

During Math class, we created bar graphs. Students dropped a die and the colored a square on their graph to show which number they rolled. 

In Science class, we continued our study of animals. Today we talked about how animals move. Each student was given an animal card. They acted out how the animal moves while others guessed what animal it was. 

Our day ended with Art class. Today we made owls using cotton filling. They did turn out cute. Have a look . . . 

Have a fantastic weekend! 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

What a beautiful day it was today! We had a lot of exciting things happening in first grade today. 

We wrapped up our chapter in Religion where we studied about God's creation. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed the consonants by playing a game called Uh-Oh. The students selected a letter from a bag and then either named the letter, gave the sound it makes, or stated a word beginning with that letter. When students selected an Uh-Oh card, they had to put all of their cards back in the back. As you can guess, smiles and laughter were abound during this activity. 

We also played another game as we reviewed our Spelling words today. This game is called SPARKLE. The students are quite excited to take their very first Spelling test tomorrow. 

In Math, we reviewed how to write the numbers 0, 6, 8, and 9. 

We ended our day by going over to church to review proper behavior during Mass. We are excited for our very first Mass of the school year tomorrow. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Tour of the Classroom

Happy Wednesday! Today was a wonderful Wednesday in first grade. We read our first Reading story of the year titled Sam, Come Back. It is about a cat who runs away. I hope you enjoy the story tonight as the students read it to you. In Math class, we made a pictograph of how we come to school. We then answered questions about our graph. 

I thought I would publish some pictures of our classroom and the features in it. I hope you enjoy! 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Start of Week Two

Greetings! Welcome back from a three day weekend. After talking with the students today, it sounded like everyone had a great Labor day holiday. 

We had a great start to our week. We practiced reading our words with both the short a sound and ck sound. We even created an -ack sack. We also practiced reading our sight words for the week and writing good sentences. In Math, we reviewed the differences between circles and squares. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is gym day. Students need to wear their sneakers to school.