Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Hoppin' Day

Today was another hoppin' day in first grade. Today marks the end of our 40 Hours Devotion. We again attended Mass this morning followed by Adoration this afternoon. I really hope the children grew a little closer to Jesus during these past two days. 

Back in the classroom, we worked on learning new things and reviewing old things. We reviewed how to read words the inflected ending -s and discussed the main ideas of several stories. We even worked in our literacy centers today. 

We also worked on correct spacing when writing sentences. Using a "Space Man" stick, we began writing a poem using correct spacing. 

In Math, we made a pictograph using the seeds from yesterday's apples. Working with a partner, students counted the total number of seeds in their apple and then added their total to a graph. Here is how our graph turned out:  

We continued our studies of apples this week by talking about the different parts of an apple. We made a diagram to help us remembered what we learned. 

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