Saturday, September 7, 2013

Owl Fun!

Greetings! First grade had a wonderful day to end the week. We began our day by attending Mass with Msgr. Lockard. He told us to always smile and use nice words. That is something first grade is going to try to do. 

During Language Arts class, we wrapped up our story Sam, Come Back by reviewing both the phonics skills we studied these past two weeks and our sight words. We also took a test on the story. 

During Math class, we created bar graphs. Students dropped a die and the colored a square on their graph to show which number they rolled. 

In Science class, we continued our study of animals. Today we talked about how animals move. Each student was given an animal card. They acted out how the animal moves while others guessed what animal it was. 

Our day ended with Art class. Today we made owls using cotton filling. They did turn out cute. Have a look . . . 

Have a fantastic weekend! 

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