Monday, September 23, 2013

It's Apple Week!

Happy Monday everyone! I hope everyone had a nice weekend and that the rain didn't spoil any plans. 

Today was quite a day. We began by attending Mass for 40 Hours. We then went back this afternoon to spend some quiet time praying to Jesus. The 40 Hours Devotion to Jesus will conclude tomorrow. We will again attend Mass in the morning and Adoration in the afternoon. 

In Language Arts today, we learned how to read words that end in -s. In Math, we saw how to divide an object in half. I divided apples in half and gave everyone a half of an apple. We then picked the seeds from our apple; we will use these seeds tomorrow in Math. 

Today also marked the beginning of Apple Week in first grade. Each day we learn something about apples all leading up to the celebration of Johnny Appleseed's birthday on Thursday. Today we talked about the life cycle of an apple. We completed a flow chart to help us remember how an apple grows. 

Here is a picture from the apple art project we completed on Friday! 

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