Friday, September 13, 2013

Funday on Friday

Happy Friday everyone! I must say that today was such a fun day in first grade. We really enjoyed ourselves today. 

It began with Religion class. Today we reviewed what we learned yesterday about the Blessed Trinity by making Trinity triangles. These triangles can be displayed as an ornament to help us remember the Three Persons in the Blessed Trinity. 

In Language Arts we wrapped up our story Pig in a Wig. One of the things we did was write sentences about what real pigs do. We then assembled a quick craft to make a pig sitting in mud. They turned out great; they did a great job remembering capital letters and periods when writing sentences.

Today marked the first day that we went to the library. We were quite excited to take a book home and read it over the weekend. Please return all books by next Friday. 

In Science class, we discussed the different animal coverings animals have. We then used magnifying glasses to observe feathers. We were impressed by what we saw. 

We ended the day in Art class. Today we created fall trees using paint. We put paint on sponges and then stamped leaves on our tree. I will post pictures on Monday once everything has dried. 

Have a fabulous weekend! 

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