Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Fast Day

What a productive day we had in first grade today! Time flew right by! 

We began our day by learning about the Blessed Trinity. We learned that there are Three Persons in one God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. They are all joined together by love. 

Today was a bit of a review day for us in Language Arts. We reviewed our sight words and short a and final ck words. We also practiced building our fluency by rereading Pig in a Wig. In addition, we practiced finding the naming part in a sentence. 

In Math class today we reviewed various attributes about triangles. We also sorted ourselves into different categories: those wearing polo shirts and those who were not, those wearing white socks and those who were not, and boys and girls. 

Tomorrow is Friday meaning it is Art day. I wonder what we will create? Check back tomorrow for some pictures. 

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