Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Back to Normal

Happy Wednesday, everyone! It is hard to believe that the week is half way over.

Today in Religion class we learned that Jesus taught his disciples how to pray the Our Father. The students were amazed that we are pray the same pray that Jesus taught his friends.

In Language Arts class today, we worked in literacy centers where we practiced reading our sight words and long a words. We also practiced our writing skills. We also reviewed digraph sh and th and the vowel sound al.

In Math class we learned some new facts. We switched gears a bit and learned the minus 1 facts. It is exciting learning all of these new facts.

During Social Studies class we talked about the difference between a city, town, and suburb.

We ended our day with Gym class. This week we again used the parachute as we exercised. We really enjoyed our selves.

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