Tuesday, November 5, 2013

More of Magic "e"

Today was another fabulous day in first grade. We really enjoyed our Box Tops jean day today. Thank you so very much for sending in box tops. Please keep collecting and sending them in. Hopefully, we can have another Box Tops jean day in January. 

We continued our study of long a today in Language Arts. We practiced reading words and spelling words. We are feeling much more confident today than yesterday. We know that to become good readers we need to practice every night. 

We also talked about proper nouns today. We gave many examples of proper nouns and used those examples to create "Proper Noun Pizza." Don't they look yummy. 

In Math class, we learned the adding 0 facts. 

With no school on Friday, we held Science class today. We talked about the difference between living and nonliving things. Students worked in groups to classify pictures as either living or nonliving. They then drew an example of a living thing and a nonliving thing. 

Remember that tomorrow is gym class day!

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