Sunday, November 17, 2013

Turkey Time!

Greetings, friends! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Friday was a fantastic day in first grade. 

We began our with Mass where we were told to always make time for Jesus in our day. 

During Language Arts class, we wrapped up our story The Farmer in the Hat. We reviewed long a and the different sounds of c and g. We took our test on our story too. During the writing portion of class, we wrote the steps in planting a seed. 

In Math class, we sorted pictures of designs and identified the identical ones. 

In Science class, we went on a trip around the world looking at different habitats. Using a PowerPoint presentation, we visited the desert, forest, and ocean. To end class, students drew various plants and animals that live in these habitats. 

We ended our day with Art class. Today we made turkeys. Students had a choice in using either a pattern or tracing their foot for the body. Students then traced their hands on different colors of construction paper for the feathers. They turned out tur-iffic. Have a look! 

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