Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Learning More Words to Read

Today was a good day in first grade. We continue to learn and explore new concepts. 

Today in Language Arts we learned how to read words when the c makes an s sound and when g makes a j sound. We are loving all the new words that we can read. We also reviewed sight words by playing tic-tac-toe. Students wrote words on a grid and then played tic-tac-toe with a partner. This was a great way to practice our words while at the same time having fun. 

In Math class today, we used pattern blocks to cover designs with pattern blocks. We then traced the shapes and colored in the designs. 

During Social Studies class we discussed weather and the seasons including the various activities we do during each season. 

We ended our day with gym class. Today we exercised with the parachute. 

Please remember to bring library books to school tomorrow. 

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