Thursday, February 27, 2014

Messy Day of Learning!

Today was a fabulous day in first grade! It was full of fun, excitement, and learning. 

In Religion class, we wrapped up our study about the sacraments. 

During Language Arts class, we learned how to blend and read long a words spelled either ai or ay. We also talked about drawing conclusions and adjectives. 

In Math class today, we used dimes and pennies to add two two-digit numbers with regrouping. The students did a great job knowing when to trade 10 pennies for a dime. 

We teamed up with Room 101 today for our Dr. Seuss story. Today we read Bartholomew and the Oobleck. Students were then able to put their hands in a bowl of Oobleck (which is just cornstarch and water). They loved it! And everyone was able to take home a bag of Oobleck to share with their families. 

Stay warm!  

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Celebrating History!

Happy Wednesday! It was another great day in first grade! 

We began our day by talking about the sacraments. We briefly discussed each one and how Jesus is present in them. 

We continued our learning in Language Arts. Today we reviewed comparative endings and -dge words. We then took our test on our story. We also reviewed writing contractions with the word not. We ended class by working in literacy centers. 

Today's Dr. Seuss book was Fox in Socks. I love reading this book. It is full of tongue twisters that make it challenging to read yet fun at the same time. After reading the story, we talked about synonyms. Students wrote synonyms on socks before decorating them. 

In Math class, we learned how to trade 10 pennies for 1 dime. We worked with partners to do this. We will continue practicing regrouping tomorrow. 

During Social Studies class today, we talked about George Washington. We read about his life like how he liked horses, enjoyed math, led the Army, and was the first president of the United States. We used our new knowledge to create a poster of him. Have a look. 

Our day ended with gym class. Our friends from Room 101 joined us for some fun and exercises. We participated in Dr. Seuss themed really races. Everyone had so much fun! 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Another Terrific Day!

Hello from First Grade! We had another wonderful day of learning today. 

We began our day by attending Adoration. It was great spending some extra time with Jesus. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed our sight words, r-controlled er, ir, and ur words and contractions. We also broke into groups to reread our story Where Are My Animal Friends? The students loved reading it as an actual play. We ended class by writing the concluding sentence for our paragraph on camping. 

In Math class today, we worked on place value. Students used pictures of pennies to show various numbers. 

Our Dr. Seuss story today The Cat in the Hat Comes Back. After reading the book, we compared and contrasted this story to the original The Cat in the Hat. We then wrote about what we would do if Thing 1 and Thing 2 came to our house. Their imaginations were at work! 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is gym day!!

Monday, February 24, 2014

A Wonderful Day!

Greetings, everyone. I hope you enjoyed the warmer weather and sunshine this weekend. It sure put me in the mood for spring. I am hoping there are no disruptions to our week. 

We are off to a fabulous start in first grade. Today in Religion class we learned that Jesus gave us the sacraments, special signs of God's grace and love. Later this week, we will learn about each sacrament. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed words with comparative endings, -dge words, and our sight words. We then put our knowledge to the test when we read Where Are My Animal Friends? The students enjoyed reading this as a play. We also practiced writing contractions for the word not. 

During Math class today, we practiced  counting a large group of objects. Students worked in groups to count bags of pennies. They put pennies in groups of ten to help them count. 

This week also marks the beginning of our celebration of Dr. Seuss, a beloved children's author. Each day this week, we will read one of his books and complete an activity that correlates to the story. On Friday, we read The Foot Book. Students were then given a picture of feet and had to write antonyms on them. Today we read The Cat in the Hat. After reading the story, students sequenced events from the story. Here are pictures of our antonym feet. 

Have a great week everyone! 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bee Happy

Greetings! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. I am loving the sun shine. I just couldn't wait to get outside and enjoy it. Spring is on the way. 

Friday was a great day in first grade. We began our day with Mass. The students are doing great using the songbooks and sing with their hearts. 

Back in the classroom, we tackled a new phonics skill. We learned how to blend and read words with -dge. We also practiced our sight words and how to write contractions with not. We even wrote the detailed sentences in our paragraph on camping. 

In Math class we talked about the word congruent. We used our geoboards to make congruent shapes, shapes that are the same size and same shape. 

We wrapped up our study of teeth in Science class. We reviewed all that we learned about teeth by writing a promise of what we are going to do each day. Here is how our project turned out: 

We ended our day with Art class. Today we made a Valentine bee that says "Bee Mine". They did turn out cute. 

Have a great rest of your weekend. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Long Time No See

It has seemed like forever since I last posted a message. I don't know about you, but I am ready for spring and warmer weather. The children were excited to be back today and so was I. I was getting bored sitting at home. 

We jumped right back into the swing of things today. We started our day with Religion class. Today we talked about how we worship God. 

Next up was Language Arts. Today we learned how to blend and decode words with comparative endings. We drew pictures to show the meaning of words. Here is a sample project. 

We also talked about sequencing events in a story and wrote the topic sentence for our paragraph on camping. 

In Math class today, we learned to identify how many more on a bar graph. We created a bar graph showing the number of children in our families. We then used this graph to answer questions.

Please spend time this weekend reviewing the math facts especially the double plus 1 facts. 

Please note that due to the weather this week, we will NOT have a Spelling test tomorrow. The next Spelling test will be on Wednesday, February 26th. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Despite the snowy weather, we had a lovely Valentine's Day in first grade. But before we could celebrate, there was work to be done. 

Our learning today focused around Language Arts. We reviewed inflected endings, r-controlled -ar, -er, -ir, and -ur words, and contractions. We also practiced our sight words. In addition, we worked on our fluency by reading I'm a Caterpillar with a partner. To review the life cycle of the butterfly, we made a model of it using pasta. They turned out great. 

Then it was time to celebrate. We completed a Math graphing activity using hearts. Students were given a cup of heart beads and used those beads to create a bar graph. Using information from their graph, they answered questions. When everyone was finished, we counted to see which color was most popular. In the end, pink was the most graphed with 86. Blue was the least with 43. Here is a sample graph. 

Then it was time to distribute Valentine cards to our friends. Earlier in the day, we made heart monster bags. Students went around feeling bags with cards and treats. By the time it was over, our bags were full. 

And before we knew it, it was time to go home. I hope everyone has a great weekend! Just a reminder that the students do not have school on Monday! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

First Grade Winter Olympics

What an awesome day we had in first grade! It was filled with learning, fun, and some Olympics games. 

In Religion class, we talked about how Jesus worshiped God. 

Our focused then switched to Language Arts. As always before reading a story, we reviewed our phonics skills which this weeks includes r-controlled -er, -ir, and -ur words and contractions and our sight words. We then read I'm a Caterpillar which detailed how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. The students loved reading this piece. 

In Math class, we practiced adding two two-digit numbers without using the dimes and pennies. 

In honor of Abraham Lincoln's birthday today, we talked about his life. We read a story about how he was born in a log cabin, walked 2 miles to school, became a lawyer, and then president of the United States. We then did a writing activity about his life. 

Then it was time for some fun in the gym. In honor of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Mrs. Steberger and I decided to have our very own Olympic Games for first grade.We began by having the students take an Olympic oath promising to try our best and have fun. Students then participated in adapted versions of alpine skiing, bobsledding, and ice skating. The students had a blast. At the end of our games, every student received a gold medal for participating. We then stood for the national anthem. Everyone had a blast! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The 101st Day of School

Welcome, friends! The learning and fun did not stop after the 100th day of school yesterday; we continued to practice new skills today and build our knowledge. 

In Religion class, we wrapped up our chapter on our parish family. 

During Language Arts class, we practiced reading and spelling contractions for is, have, and are. We also practiced our sight words. We are very excited to put our new knowledge to work tomorrow as we read our story. In addition to that we worked in literacy centers and learned about the verbs am, is, are, was, and were. 

In Math class today, we again practiced the doubles plus 1 facts. Today we used a wrap-up to do this. 

Have a great night! 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Happy 100th Day of School!

We did it! Today was the 100th Day of School. We had so much fun celebrating this milestone today. 

But, before we did the fun activities, we had some new learning to do. In Language Arts, we practiced blending, reading, and spelling r-controlled -er, -ir, and -ur words. We also talked about drawing conclusions when reading a story. 

Then, it was time to celebrate.  Working in groups, the students used 100 objects to create a design. Students used either cups, linking cubes, Army men, and pattern blocks; they were very creative with their designs. Next, the students created portraits of themselves when they are 100 and wrote about what they would do when they are 100. Here is a sample of their work. 

After a break for lunch and computer class, we resumed our celebration. We took a survey of who would like to eat 100 pieces of pizza, 100 chicken nuggets, 100 strawberries, 100 carrots, and 100 cupcakes. We made tally marks to show the results. Then used the tally marks to help make a bar graph. Using that information, we analyzed the data. Here is how our graph turned out. 

Our day ended with the students using the digits 1, 0, 0 to make a design. I'll post pictures of those tomorrow. 

Finally, here are pictures of the 100 day designs the students made. They are totally awesome. Thank you for taking the time to help the students make such wonderful masterpieces. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Greetings, friends! I hope everyone had a fantastic Friday like we did in first grade. It was a busy day, but we accomplished a lot. 

We began our day by attending Mass. Msgr. Lockard reminded us to always stand up for the truth. 

Language Arts class was action-packed. We reviewed the phonics skills we practiced this week (inflected endings and r-controlled -ar words) as well as the skills we learned last week (inflected ending -es and r-controlled -or words). And of course, we practiced our sight words. We then worked on our fluency by partner reading Frog and Toad and our comprehension b recalling the plot of the story. Last, we reviewed verbs for now and the past. 

In Math class today, we solved a word problem by using the strategies guess and check and act it out. 

Science class was extremely fun and full of learning today. Our focus is still on dental health. Today we watched a movie about the importance of brushing our teeth and what happens when we don't. After reviewing how to brush our teeth, pairs of students were then given a hard boiled egg soaked in Coke. Using a toothbrush and toothpaste, students brushed their eggs making them sparkling white again. As you can imagine, smiles and laughter could be heard throughout the classroom with this activity. 

Our day ended in Art class. In honor of the Opening Ceremonies of the Winter Olympics, we made Olympic people. We plan to continue our talk of the Olympics next week. Go Team USA! 

Have a great weekend! 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Frog and Toad

Welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed their snow day. I am hoping that this was the last one for awhile. 

Today was an action-packed day in first grade. We jumped right back into Language Arts. We reviewed inflected endings, r-controlled -ar words, and our sight words before reading our story. Today we finally read Frog and Toad Together: The Garden. The students just loved reading a story with these two beloved characters. I hope you enjoyed the story too. We also reviewed verbs for now and the past and even worked in our literacy centers today. 

In Math class, we again practiced the doubles plus 1 facts. Working with a partner, we used our flash cards to play memory. The students just loved playing the game while practicing their facts. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Aaaargh Words!

Ahoy Mateys! I hope everyone had a fantastic day. 

Our day began with Eucharistic Adoration. We do enjoy spending some quiet time in the presence of Jesus. 

During Language Arts class, we learned how to decode and read r-controlled -ar words. Since these words make an 'aaargh' sound like a pirate, we made a pirate holding these -ar words. Have a look at our creations. 

During Math class, we used flash cards to practice the doubles plus 1 facts by playing a game called match up. Students had to match up the problems to the answers. 

In our story this week, we meet the classic children characters Frog and Toad. Today we took a look at the similarities and differences of frogs and toads by viewing a PowerPoint and completing a Venn Diagram. 

As promised, here is a picture of last Friday's Art project. 

I hope everyone has a good night and a safe day tomorrow. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Wintry Wonderland!

Greetings! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. I guess the Punxsutawney Phil was correct when he said that we will have 6 more weeks of winter. 

It might have been snowing outside, but learning was raining inside first grade today. We continued to talk about our parish family in Religion class. 

In Language Arts, we talked more about inflected endings. Today we learned when to double the last letter before ending -ed or -ing. We also talked about the plot in a story. In addition, we discussed verbs for now and the past. 

We continued to practice the doubles plus one facts in Math class. Today we completed our fact cards. 

Have a great night!  

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Groundhog Day Celebrations!

Today was an awesome day to wrap up Catholic's School Week. We were very busy in first grade. 

In Religion class, we talked about what a parish is and that we all belong to a parish. 

Language Arts was full of learning. We worked in literacy centers where we practiced our phonics skills, sight words, writing skills, and fluency. We also reviewed inflected endings -es and r-controlled -or words. In addition we took a test on our story. 

During Math class we practiced solving the doubles plus 1 facts. To solve these facts we learned to double the smaller number and then add 1. 

Our focus for Science class shifted to teeth as February is Dental Health Month. Today we learned what foods to eat to make our teeth nice and strong. 

We even had time to talk about Groundhog Day. We made a graph predicting whether or not Phil will see his shadow. As you can see, most of us think he will not see his shadow thus bringing about an early spring. 

We also made a Groundhog and drew pictures of what we would do if there are 6 more weeks of winter and what we would do if it was an early spring. 

We ended our day with Art class. We read The Biggest Valentine Ever and then used hearts to make a mouse. I'll post pictures of them on Monday. 

Have a fantastic weekend!