Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Celebrating History!

Happy Wednesday! It was another great day in first grade! 

We began our day by talking about the sacraments. We briefly discussed each one and how Jesus is present in them. 

We continued our learning in Language Arts. Today we reviewed comparative endings and -dge words. We then took our test on our story. We also reviewed writing contractions with the word not. We ended class by working in literacy centers. 

Today's Dr. Seuss book was Fox in Socks. I love reading this book. It is full of tongue twisters that make it challenging to read yet fun at the same time. After reading the story, we talked about synonyms. Students wrote synonyms on socks before decorating them. 

In Math class, we learned how to trade 10 pennies for 1 dime. We worked with partners to do this. We will continue practicing regrouping tomorrow. 

During Social Studies class today, we talked about George Washington. We read about his life like how he liked horses, enjoyed math, led the Army, and was the first president of the United States. We used our new knowledge to create a poster of him. Have a look. 

Our day ended with gym class. Our friends from Room 101 joined us for some fun and exercises. We participated in Dr. Seuss themed really races. Everyone had so much fun! 

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