Wednesday, February 12, 2014

First Grade Winter Olympics

What an awesome day we had in first grade! It was filled with learning, fun, and some Olympics games. 

In Religion class, we talked about how Jesus worshiped God. 

Our focused then switched to Language Arts. As always before reading a story, we reviewed our phonics skills which this weeks includes r-controlled -er, -ir, and -ur words and contractions and our sight words. We then read I'm a Caterpillar which detailed how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. The students loved reading this piece. 

In Math class, we practiced adding two two-digit numbers without using the dimes and pennies. 

In honor of Abraham Lincoln's birthday today, we talked about his life. We read a story about how he was born in a log cabin, walked 2 miles to school, became a lawyer, and then president of the United States. We then did a writing activity about his life. 

Then it was time for some fun in the gym. In honor of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Mrs. Steberger and I decided to have our very own Olympic Games for first grade.We began by having the students take an Olympic oath promising to try our best and have fun. Students then participated in adapted versions of alpine skiing, bobsledding, and ice skating. The students had a blast. At the end of our games, every student received a gold medal for participating. We then stood for the national anthem. Everyone had a blast! 

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