Saturday, February 8, 2014


Greetings, friends! I hope everyone had a fantastic Friday like we did in first grade. It was a busy day, but we accomplished a lot. 

We began our day by attending Mass. Msgr. Lockard reminded us to always stand up for the truth. 

Language Arts class was action-packed. We reviewed the phonics skills we practiced this week (inflected endings and r-controlled -ar words) as well as the skills we learned last week (inflected ending -es and r-controlled -or words). And of course, we practiced our sight words. We then worked on our fluency by partner reading Frog and Toad and our comprehension b recalling the plot of the story. Last, we reviewed verbs for now and the past. 

In Math class today, we solved a word problem by using the strategies guess and check and act it out. 

Science class was extremely fun and full of learning today. Our focus is still on dental health. Today we watched a movie about the importance of brushing our teeth and what happens when we don't. After reviewing how to brush our teeth, pairs of students were then given a hard boiled egg soaked in Coke. Using a toothbrush and toothpaste, students brushed their eggs making them sparkling white again. As you can imagine, smiles and laughter could be heard throughout the classroom with this activity. 

Our day ended in Art class. In honor of the Opening Ceremonies of the Winter Olympics, we made Olympic people. We plan to continue our talk of the Olympics next week. Go Team USA! 

Have a great weekend! 

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