Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bee Happy

Greetings! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. I am loving the sun shine. I just couldn't wait to get outside and enjoy it. Spring is on the way. 

Friday was a great day in first grade. We began our day with Mass. The students are doing great using the songbooks and sing with their hearts. 

Back in the classroom, we tackled a new phonics skill. We learned how to blend and read words with -dge. We also practiced our sight words and how to write contractions with not. We even wrote the detailed sentences in our paragraph on camping. 

In Math class we talked about the word congruent. We used our geoboards to make congruent shapes, shapes that are the same size and same shape. 

We wrapped up our study of teeth in Science class. We reviewed all that we learned about teeth by writing a promise of what we are going to do each day. Here is how our project turned out: 

We ended our day with Art class. Today we made a Valentine bee that says "Bee Mine". They did turn out cute. 

Have a great rest of your weekend. 

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