Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Despite the snowy weather, we had a lovely Valentine's Day in first grade. But before we could celebrate, there was work to be done. 

Our learning today focused around Language Arts. We reviewed inflected endings, r-controlled -ar, -er, -ir, and -ur words, and contractions. We also practiced our sight words. In addition, we worked on our fluency by reading I'm a Caterpillar with a partner. To review the life cycle of the butterfly, we made a model of it using pasta. They turned out great. 

Then it was time to celebrate. We completed a Math graphing activity using hearts. Students were given a cup of heart beads and used those beads to create a bar graph. Using information from their graph, they answered questions. When everyone was finished, we counted to see which color was most popular. In the end, pink was the most graphed with 86. Blue was the least with 43. Here is a sample graph. 

Then it was time to distribute Valentine cards to our friends. Earlier in the day, we made heart monster bags. Students went around feeling bags with cards and treats. By the time it was over, our bags were full. 

And before we knew it, it was time to go home. I hope everyone has a great weekend! Just a reminder that the students do not have school on Monday! 

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