Thursday, October 30, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Today was a spooktacular day in first grade. The excitement from yesterday carried over to today as we celebrated Halloween. But, before we could party, we had some work to do. 

In Religion class, we finished our study of Ordinary Time. We talked about the people who help us to grow closer to Jesus. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed the digraphs ch, tch, and wh by reading our decodable reader. We practiced our sight words and practiced writing words with special titles. Our sixth grade buddies also joined us today. They helped us review phonics skills by playing connect four with the students. And for some Halloween fun, we played Bingo together. 

In Math class, we learned how to use a problem by using logical reasoning. The students were great detectives as we solved the problems. 

Finally, it was time to party. Everyone looked great in their costumes. Thanks to parent volunteers we played games and did a craft project. Everyone had smiles on their faces and enjoyed this festive time with their friends.

Just a reminder that the students do not have school tomorrow. Have a wonderful weekend! 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Parade of Saints

Today was truly a blessed day in first grade. This day has really turned into one of my favorite days of the year with the students. I love seeing their smiles as they walk down the aisle; they are so proud of their saint. 

Thank you all for attending our All Saints' Day Prayer Service. It was great having so many parents, grandparents, and other relatives there. The students were so excited to take part in this special event. Thank you for making it special for them. 

Before the prayer service, we did do learning in first grade. It was hard for them to stay focused; they wanted to get into their outfits first thing this morning. But we pushed through and accomplished a lot today. 

In Religion, we focused on the church season of Ordinary Time. We learned that during this season, we hear stories about Jesus' healings and teachings. 

During Language Arts class, we blended and read the digraphs wh, ch, and tch. We also read our Scholastic News on bats. They were quite fascinating by them. Finally, we finished our haunted house writing by adding some artwork to it. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our Halloween celebration. Please remember to send in costumes tomorrow. Tomorrow is also a jean day for the students. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Long I Spiders!

Greetings! What an absolute gorgeous day it was! It was nice to feel the warmth again before the cold air arrives. The students really enjoyed the weather today at recess. 

In Religion class today we wrapped up our study of the church seasons. We again reviewed each one and the colors associated with each season. We decorated a poster with the different seasons on it. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed long i words. We practiced reading them by reading our decodable reader. We then created long i spiders. On each leg, we wrote a long i word. Here is a picture: 

We then talked about the author's purpose for writing a story. We also discussed how to write special titles. Finally, we wrote about a haunted house. We used our senses to describe what we see, hear, smell, and touch in a haunted house. 

In Math class today, we used a balance to determine the weight of various objects. We used pennies to balance the scale when measuring a crayon, pencil, eraser, and marker. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our All Saints' Prayer Service. The prayer service begins at 1:00 in the church. Because of the prayer service, we will not have gym class. Students are to wear their dress shoes tomorrow. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Quick Monday

Greetings! I hope everyone had a great weekend. From the stories I heard today, it sounds like everyone had fun trick-or-treating. 

Our day began with practice for the All Saints' Day prayer service. We joined with our eighth grade friends for practice today. We are getting excited for this special event. 

In Language Arts class, we blended and read long i words. We also sorted nouns according to whether they named a person, place, or thing. Finally, we completed a graphic organizer for our writing project this week. We are writing about haunted houses. 

During Math class, we sorted and graphed pattern blocks. We then analyzed the information on our graphs. 

Have a great night! 

Friday, October 24, 2014


Happy Friday! And yet another week has come and gone. 

Today for Religion we went over to church to practice for our All Saints' Prayer Service. The students are getting excited for this. Just a reminder that all saint costumes are due on Monday! We also finished praying the Glorious Mysteries today. The students brought their rosaries home so that they can continue to pray the rosary with you. 

We wrapped up our health lessons today by talking about household cleaners. We again were reminded not to drink something if we don't know what it is. 

In Language Arts class we wrapped up our story The Farmer in the Hat. We reviewed our sight words, long a and c/s/ and g/j/ words. We also practiced identifying and writing proper nouns. 

During Math class today, we used linking cubes to measure. We measured the length and width of our desks. Eventually, we will be using rulers to measure objects. 

In Science class today, we talked about living and nonliving things. Working in groups, students sorted pictures as whether they were living or nonliving. 

Finally in Art class we made pumpkins, a perfect fit to wrap up our study of pumpkins. They turned out great.

Have a fantastic weekend! 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

From Pumpkin to Jack-O-Lantern

Today was quite an exciting day in first grade. When the students walked in the quickly discovered a pumpkin sitting on the back table. It did not take them long to figure out that we were going to carve it. However, they had to wait to the end of the day. Patience is hard sometimes. 

In Religion class today we talked about the different seasons in the church year. We learned about each one including the colors we see during the different seasons. 

To continue our health education lessons, today's focus was on drugs. We learned that some drugs can be good for us like antibiotics and immunizations. We talked about making sure that we get medicine from a grown up and never take medicine from strangers. We then talked about the importance of staying away from cigarettes and alcohol. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed our sight words, the digraphs sh and th and the vowel sound al. We partner read our story and reviewed the details in the story. We then practiced writing proper nouns remembering that they begin with a capital letter. Finally, we worked in literacy centers. 

During Math class today, we again practiced the adding 1 facts. Today we used a wrap up to do so. 

Finally, it was time to carve the pumpkin. The students from Room 101 joined us for this activity. Everyone got to help pull the seeds out of the pumpkin. Together we decided that our pumpkin would have triangle eyes, a diamond nose, and a vampire mouth. As Mrs. Steberger read them a book about the life cycle of the pumpkin, I carved it. And before you knew it, we had a jack-o-lantern. 

To wrap up this activity, we wrote the steps we took in carving it. I think it looks cute! 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Practicing our Learning

Greetings! Today was another exciting day of learning in first grade! 

In Religion class today, we wrapped up our chapter on Jesus' teachings. We reviewed the Great Commandment and the Good Samaritan story. 

We then continued our health lessons on being drug free. Yesterday we talked about the different functions of the brain; today we talked about ways to keep our brains and bodies healthy. We talked about eating the right foods, exercising, getting enough sleep, brushing our teeth, etc. 

In Language Arts class we read our story The Farmer in the Hat. Before doing so, we reviewed long a and c/s/ and g/j/ words. The students are doing an excellent job reading long a words. 

Tis the seasons for pumpkins! With this in mind, today we talked about the life cycle of a pumpkin and created a flow chart diagram showing each step. 

During Math class today we learned the adding 1 facts. To find the answer, we count by 1's. Please continue to practice these new facts along with the double facts each night. 

For gym class today, we played an old favorite "Alligator, Alligator." The students love playing this game. 

Finally, in Social Studies, we talked about landforms including mountains, plains, rivers, and lakes. We made a shape booklet to help us remember these new words. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Proper Pizza

Happy Tuesday! Today was a much calmer day in first grade, but a day filled with learning! 

We began our day by attending Adoration. When we came back to the classroom, we prayed our rosary. This week we are praying the Glorious Mysteries. 

In Language Arts class, we blended and read words where the c makes the /s/ sound and the g makes the /j/ sound. We then practiced our sight words. Before lunch, we spent time working in our literacy centers. Then, in the afternoon we reviewed proper nouns by making a proper noun pizza. Students wrote proper nouns for a person, place, and thing. Here is one slice of pizza: 

We finished Language Arts class by writing about a monster. We created a monster and then wrote a story about it. The students were very creative! 

During Math class today we talked about activities we do in the morning, afternoon, evening, and night. We used the pictures you sent in to make a collage. Here is our finished product: 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is gym class! 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Magic E!

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. I don't know about you but my weekend flew by! 

We had a busy day in first grade. We had Music, Guidance, and Computer class today. In between the special classes, we did learn a lot. 

In Religion class we read the story of the Good Samaritan. This story reminded us that everyone is our neighbor and we need to love them. 

During Language Arts class, we learned about long a words. We learned that when a word ends in e that e makes the vowel say its name. It took some practicing but we soon got the hang of long a. We also talked about cause and effect as well as proper nouns. 

In Math class, we practiced counting backwards from 10-1. We also practiced adding 1 to a number. Today we placed pennies on a number line then added 1 to find the answer. It did not take us long to see that adding 1 is just like counting by 1. 

Have a great night!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Candy Corn!

Happy Friday! I hope everyone enjoyed their week! We had a great Friday to wrap up another week of first grade. 

We began by attending Mass. Fr. Brian talked to us about the Sacred Heart of Jesus. After Mass, we said the final decade of the Sorrowful Mysteries. Next week we will pray the final set of mysteries. 

In Language Arts class, we wrapped up the story A Big Fish for Max. We reviewed digraphs sh and th, vowel sound al, and our sight words. We then took a test on the story. We also practiced identifying nouns in sentences. Finally, we made a fish collage. On each fish we wrote either an sh or th word. Here are two examples: 

In Math class today, we practiced drawing pictures and writing number sentences for some, some went away stories. 

We wrapped up our chapter on animals today in Science. Next week we will look at living and nonliving things around us. 

Our day ended with Art class. Today, we dipped pom-pom balls into paint and made candy corn. The students did a great job doing this. 

Have a great weekend! 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Great Commandment

Today was a great busy day in first grade. At the end of the day one of the students asked why does the day go by so quickly. I responded because we learn so much and work hard! 

In Religion class today, we continued to talk about the Great Commandment. We made these mobiles to remind ourselves to Love God, Love Others, and Love Ourselves. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed short u and final blend words. We partner read our story to help build fluency and improve our comprehension. We then worked in literacy centers. Finally, we practiced identifying nouns in sentences. 

In Math class today, we ordered numbers from 0-20. We then practiced adding 1 to a number. We discovered that it is easy to do this. 

Tomorrow will be full of excitement and surprises! Have a great night! 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Exploring the World

Happy Wednesday! We did not let a little rain slow down our enthusiasm for learning today in first grade! 

During Religion class today we learned the Great Commandment. We learned that we must love God, love others, and love ourselves. 

In Language Arts class, we did some reviewing before reading our story. We reviewed the digraphs sh and th, the vowel sound of al, and our sight words. We then read our story A Big Fish for Max. The students loved this story; I think it was because they knew the characters Max and Ruby. 

In Math class today we used pattern blocks to cover designs. Some designs were easy and some were challenging. 

For gym class today, we played a listening game. Based on a given command, students had to do various locomotor skills including running, skipping, sit ups, and jumping. They loved it. By the end of class we were all red in the face. 

To end the day, we had Social Studies class. Today we continued to explore the continents and oceans. We created our own map of the world to help us learn their names. 

Have a great night! 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Picture Day!

Today was all smiles in first grade. Everyone looked beautiful and smiled nicely during pictures. I can't wait to see them when they come in! 

In Religion class today we talked about how people came to hear Jesus talk. We learned that the crowds always grew bigger when he preached. 

During Language Arts class, we blended and read vowel sound al words. We also practiced our sight words. There are a few tricky words this week; please keep practicing these words each night with your child. We continued our discussion of nouns and worked in our literacy centers. 

In Math class today we continued to practice the doubles facts. Today we used wrap-ups to do it. We also had our very first Fact Homework paper. Each night the students will have a fact practice page to go along with their written homework page. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is gym class. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Ghostly Monday

Happy Monday everyone! I sure hope you enjoyed your weekend. 

In Religion class today we wrapped up our study of Jesus caring for and helping everyone. We made these Jesus, the Healer pictures to remind us that Jesus will always take care of us. There is a picture below of the poster. We also started praying the Sorrowful Mysteries today. 

In Language Arts class, we practiced blending and reading digraphs sh and th. We also talked about finding the main idea in a story. Finally we talked about nouns. 

During Math class today we used a balance to compare weights of different objects. We compared linking cubes, pattern blocks, Army men, pennies, paper clips, and cotton. 

In honor of Columbus Day today we read a story about his life. We also created a poster of his three ships and wrote the famous saying on it: "I 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue." 

As promised here is a picture from Friday's art class. The ghosts look great hanging in the classroom. 

Just a reminder that Book Orders are due tomorrow. Also tomorrow is picture day! Say cheese! 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Fridays with Firefighters

Happy Friday! It is hard to believe that another week has come and gone. 

Our day began with Religion class. Today we continued learning about the healings that Jesus did. We also finished praying the Luminous Mysteries today. 

In Language Arts class, we wrapped up the story Animal Park. We reviewed short u and final blends. We took our test on the story and finished practicing writing questions.

To wrap up Fire Safety Week, we had a fire drill with local fire companies. The students did a great job exiting the building quickly and quietly. We then stayed outside for a visit with the firefighters. We were able to look at all of the equipment on the truck and even got to go inside it. We thank the men and women from Dauntless and Revloc who helped make today fun for the students. 

During Math class we reviewed our Math facts and practiced solving a problem by looking for a pattern. 

The focus of today's Science lesson was baby animals. We learned how parents take care of their babies by cleaning them, getting them food, and protecting them. 

We finished our day with Art class. Today we made ghosts using cotton balls. I'll have pictures on Monday once the ghosts are finished drying. 

Have a great weekend! 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Living Rosary

Greetings! Today was another busy day in first grade. 

In Religion class today we talked about how Jesus healed many people. We read a story about Jesus healing two blind men. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed short e and initial blends. We also worked on fluency by practicing our sight words and buddy reading our story. In addition, we practiced writing questions. Finally, we worked in our literacy centers. 

During Language Arts class today, our sixth grade buddies came to read a story with our friends. Throughout the year, the sixth grade and first grade will be working together on various projects. Everyone loved their time together today! 

In Math class today, we continued to practice our double facts. We used our fact cards to help us practice them. We also completed a fact sheet. 

Our day ended by attending Living Rosary. The Intermediate students did a wonderful job leading us in praying the rosary. 

Tomorrow will be filled with many surprises! 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Fire Safety Dogs

Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone is having a great week!

In Religion class today we were reminded that God loves us even when we don't think he does. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed short u, final blends, and sight words. We were then ready to take a trip to the Serengeti in Africa for our story Animal Park. The students loved reading about the different animals you can see on a safari. 

In Math class today, we continued to learn the doubles facts. Today we learned the 4 remaining double facts and completed our very own set of fact cards. We will be using these fact cards throughout the year to help us Master these facts. 

For Gym class today, we made our first trip to the gym. Today we played "Alligator, Alligator." Smiles and sweat were abound. 

Our focused switched in Social Studies today. We began our unit on geography. We learned what continents and oceans are. Next week, we will be making a map of the globe. 

Today for our fire safety lesson we focused on what to do if there is a fire. We talked about touching doorknobs to see if they are hot, staying low, meeting at a special place, and staying out once you are out. We wrote these tips on bones and made a dalmatian. Aren't they cute? 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

One Fast Day

Greetings! Today was such a fast day in first grade. Time flies when you have fun learning! 

We began our day with Religion. Today we read the story about Zacchaeus. We were reminded that God loves each one of us. 

In Language Arts class, we blended and read final blend words. We also practiced our sight words and continued discussing questions. Finally, we worked in our literacy centers to help build our fluency and comprehension skills. 

During Math class today, we used pattern blocks to make various patterns including AB, ABB, ABC, and ABBC ones. The students did a fantastic job today! 

For our fire safety lesson today, we talked about important information to know including our phone number and address. Please continue to review this information with your child. We also talked about stop, drop, and roll. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is gym class! 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Reading and Math

Greetings, friends! I hope everyone had a nice weekend. The students were quite funny today telling me that they didn't do much because of the cold weather. 

We began our day by praying a decade of the rosary. Today we began praying the Luminous Mysteries. Afterwards, we discussed how John the Baptist prepared the people for Jesus. 

In Language Arts class, we learned how to blend, read, and spell short u words. We also talked about finding cause and effect in a story. Finally, we discussed characteristics of asking sentences. 

During Math class, we learned how to write number sentences for some, some more stories. First we draw our picture like we have been doing and then we write our sentence. The students did great with this skill. 

This week is National Fire Safety Week. Throughout the week, we will be learning about fire safety and related topics. Today, we discussed firefighters. We learned about their job and tools they need for their job. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

I Want my Mummy!

Happy Friday! I hope you had a great day to end your week!

We began our day by attending Mass. Msgr. Lockard reminded us about God's love for us. When we came back to the classroom, we prayed the fifth Joyful Mystery using our rosaries. 

In Language Arts today we wrapped up the story Get the Egg. We reviewed short e, initial blends, and sight words. We also reviewed telling sentences. During the review, students created a bird's nest. On each egg, they wrote a short e word. Here is a picture: 

In Math class today we used pattern blocks. Students were given time to play with the blocks before we discussed the six shapes of pattern blocks. 

For Science class today, we focused on the needs of animals. We learned that all animals need food, water, shelter, and air. 

Finally, for Art class our focused switched to Halloween. Today we made mummies. This is one of my favorite projects to do with the students. They turned out amazing! Have a look:

Have a safe and warm weekend! 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Reviewing and Learning

Happy Thursday! Today was a great day in first grade. I will admit that I was a little sad this morning since the Pirates lost last night. But spending the day with the children and watching them grow in learning made me happy. 

In Religion class, we wrapped up our study about Jesus' early life from his birth in Bethlehem to his childhood in Nazareth. 

During Language Arts class, we spent time reviewing inflected endings -s and -ing. We also reviewed our sight words by playing tic-tac-toe. The students loved this; I encouraged them to play it at home with someone. We worked on our fluency and comprehension by partner reading the story and illustrating events in the beginning, middle, and end of the story. In addition, we reviewed telling sentences. Finally, we worked in our literacy centers. It was a great day in Language Arts. 

In Math class today, we studied rectangles. We learned that they have four angles and four sides. We used our geoboards to make rectangles. 

Tomorrow will be a busy and exciting day! 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Hello October

Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone is having a fantastic week!

Today in Religion we talked about things the Holy Family did together like eat and pray. We learned they did the same things that we do with our families. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed short e and initial blend words as well as our sight words. This prepared us to read our story Get the Egg. We enjoyed reading about the characters helping. 

For gym class today we took advantage of the weather and played outside one last time. Next week we will be in the gym. 

During Math class today we learned some of the double facts. We used linking cubes to help us find the answers. We then learned a rap to help us remember the answers. 

Finally in Social Studies we wrapped up the chapter on communities. Our focus now switches to geography.