Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Exploring the World

Happy Wednesday! We did not let a little rain slow down our enthusiasm for learning today in first grade! 

During Religion class today we learned the Great Commandment. We learned that we must love God, love others, and love ourselves. 

In Language Arts class, we did some reviewing before reading our story. We reviewed the digraphs sh and th, the vowel sound of al, and our sight words. We then read our story A Big Fish for Max. The students loved this story; I think it was because they knew the characters Max and Ruby. 

In Math class today we used pattern blocks to cover designs. Some designs were easy and some were challenging. 

For gym class today, we played a listening game. Based on a given command, students had to do various locomotor skills including running, skipping, sit ups, and jumping. They loved it. By the end of class we were all red in the face. 

To end the day, we had Social Studies class. Today we continued to explore the continents and oceans. We created our own map of the world to help us learn their names. 

Have a great night! 

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