Monday, October 20, 2014

Magic E!

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. I don't know about you but my weekend flew by! 

We had a busy day in first grade. We had Music, Guidance, and Computer class today. In between the special classes, we did learn a lot. 

In Religion class we read the story of the Good Samaritan. This story reminded us that everyone is our neighbor and we need to love them. 

During Language Arts class, we learned about long a words. We learned that when a word ends in e that e makes the vowel say its name. It took some practicing but we soon got the hang of long a. We also talked about cause and effect as well as proper nouns. 

In Math class, we practiced counting backwards from 10-1. We also practiced adding 1 to a number. Today we placed pennies on a number line then added 1 to find the answer. It did not take us long to see that adding 1 is just like counting by 1. 

Have a great night!

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